Chapter 10 visiting the museum

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O'Connell and Jonathan boost Evelyn up onto a camel, while I do it on my own. Daniels and Henderson throw Burns up onto another. The Egyptologist, still clutching The Book Of The Dead, gets up on yet another. We all head off into the dark, windblown desert. As I look back at the Ruins, I can see a skeletal hand suddenly punches up, out of the sand, accompanied by a shriek of agony.



After we finally reached the place we're staying at, I immediately go to Evy's room and sit on her bed, only for her and Rick to come inside arguing.  -

Rick chucks a load of Evys clothes into her luggage.

O'CONNELL I thought you didn't believe in this stuff!? 

O'Connell heads for the closet while Evy UNPACKS the dresses.

EVELYN Having an encounter with a four thousand-year-old walking-talking corpse tends to convert one.

O'CONNELL Forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone.

EVELYN No, we are not,

O'Connell throws a handful of her underthings into the trunk,

O'CONNELL Oh yes we are.

O'Connell continues to PACK Evelyn's clothes as she continues to UNPACK them.

EVELYN No we are not. We woke him up, and we must try and stop him.

O'CONNELL We?! What we?! You didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing.

EVELYN Alright then, Me, I, ...I read the book, I woke him up and I intend to stop him.

O'Connell angrily stretches a bra between his hands. It really is fun watching them.

O'CONNELL How!? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy

.Evelyn grabs the bra and throws it into a drawer.

EVELYN Then we'll have to find some immortal ones.

O'CONNELL There goes that alieff again. Not me, I am outta here!

O'Connell stuffs a pile of Evelyn's shoes into the trunk. Evelyn KICKS the lid shut, slamming it on his fingers. O'Connell YELPS and angrily storms around the room sucking his fingers as Evelyn follows him.

EVELYN According to that Book, once this creature has been reborn, his curse will spread, and as he grows in strength, so will his curse grow, infecting the people until the whole of the earth is destroyed.

O'CONNELL Yeah? So? Is that My problem? 

EVELYN (incredulous) It's everybody's problem!

O'CONNELL Look lady, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and I did, now were even, end of the job, end of the story, contract terminated.

EVELYN That's what I am to you? A contract?

O'CONNELL You can either tag along with me, or you can stay here and play around with Mister Maggot.

EVELYN I'm staying. 


O'Connell storms out and SLAMS the door. A BEAT. Then the door opens and O'Connell's hand reaches back in and throws a handful of frilly panties to the floor. SLAM goes the door. Evy spins around to find me sitting on her bed.

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