Chapter 11 Great, my sister is the target

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(HENDERSON)"Well, there was me and Daniels here and then poor Burns of course, oh yeah, and that Egyptologist fella."

'Rick turns from the window'

RICK What about my buddy, Beni?

DANIELS Naw, he scrammed outta there,

 EVELYN We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back here to the safety of the fort before the creature can get to him.

O'Connell looks at Evelyn, Daniels and Henderson.

O'CONNELL Okay, ...Evelyn, you wait here, you two come with me.

All three of them pounce on him at once--

HENDERSON The hell with that! I'm not goin' nowhere! we're safe here. DANIELS Yeah, I'm not leaving, this fort for nothin'.

EVELYN Who put you in charge? You can't just leave me behind like some old suitcase. I'm the one responsible for this mess and I intend to be the one to clean it up.

Rick and I just shake our heads while signing. Totally put-upon. Then Rick takes Evelyn, shoves her into the bedroom, slams the door and locks it with a skeleton key. From inside her room, we can hear Evelyn POUNDING on the door and YELLING. Rick throws the skeleton key to Daniels.

O'CONNELL Keep an eye on her. If you leave her door, I'll rip your spleen out C'mon, Jonathan, Juliette.

Jonathan swallows hard and points to himself


JULIETTE No, my other brother, of course you. Come on! Don't be a baby!

I said as I ran out of the room after Rick towards the Office of the egyptologist.


We arrived at the office only to find Beni RANSACKING the joint, pulling out drawers and filesand throwing them on the floor. He finds a silver pocketwatch, shakes it, then throws it into his pocket, then hestarts tipping over bookcases and clearing shelves.

 O'CONNELL(o.s.) well, well, well.

Beni spins around. To find us standing in the door.

 O'CONNELL Lemme guess, spring cleaning?

Beni turns and runs for an open window. O'Connell grabs achair, FLINGS IT into his path. Beni TRIPS and CRASHES into awall. O'Connell strides over, grabs him and lifts him up thewall. Beni's feet dangle off the floor.

O'CONNELL Where's your new friend? 

BENI what friend? You're my only friend

O'Connell quickly slides his knife up under Beni's chin 

O'CONNELL Then you got no excuse for living. What the hell you doin, being buddies with this creep, Beni? What's in it for you?

BENI It is better to be the right hand of the Devil,....than in his path. As long as I serve him, I am immune.

O'CONNELL Immune from what?

BENI You shall see. 

O'CONNELL What are you looking for? Lie, and I'll slit your throat

O'Connell shoves the knife deeper into Beni's skin.

BENI The book! The black book they found at Hamunaptra! Imhotep wants it back. Said to me it would be worth it's weight in diamonds.

O'CONNELL What does he want the book for?

BENI (shrugs) Something about bringing his dead girly-friend back to life He needs the book.... (looks at Jonathan and Me) And your sister.

JULIETTE Great ! My sister is the target of this stange zombie pedophile!

O'Connell looks at us. Beni seizes the moment and KNEES O'Connell in the balls. O'Connell doubles over and collapses While I take out one of my guns and shoot Benis shoulder, bearly hitting him as he leaps out the window. Jonathan cringes.

JONATHAN That looked rather painful

O'CONNELL (wincing) Ya know, ever since I met you, my luck has been for crap.

JONATHAN Yes, I know, I do that to people

JULIETTE Come on, we need to get back to Ev..!

And that's when they hear a BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM coming fromdown in the bazaar.  We scramble to the window and look out down in the bazaar, people are SCREAMING and quickly backing away from the SHRIVELLED CORPSE OF THE EGYPTOLOGIST. A partially decayed HAND reaches down and takes the sacredcanopic jar out of the Egyptologist's shriveled hand. It's Imhotep, having regenerated even further. He looks up and catches eyes with O'Connell, shortly before looking at Juliette with a pained expression. Imhotep grins, then UNHINGES; his jaw, his mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and then a huge SWARM OF FLIES comes out of his mouth and races straight up at O'Connell, Juliette and Jonathan. We quickly SLAM the shutters, before running back to the British fort.


Hi guys, I am so sorry about my late and short chapter, but I just wrote it in about an hour. Anyways I wanted to thank you guys for all of the supporting comments.

If any of you guys noticed I'm trying to always post on the 10th 20th 30th day base because I'm in the first year of highschool and my teachers being a b**ch.

Ps: Sorry for my terrible English, because german is my first language and my english teacher is about to go into retirement which means: We get to watch english movies with german subtitles and from what I see, my fellow classmates need the education.

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