Chapter seven:Get in the Bus!

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Oliver's P.O.V.

It had been a week since me and Ivy had gotten into that fight and it had been that long since I've talked to her, I saw her around a lot, I mean that was a given, we were always within a one mile radius of each other so of course I saw her everywhere, and I had tried to talk to her but she would ignore me every time, I had even tried talking to Kellin, and Jack, who seemed to be Ivy's best friends at the moment but they didn't have an explanation either. 

I was sitting in my bunk thinking of what else I could do to get Ivy to forgive me, or at least figure out what I'd done to piss her off so much but I was drawing a blank, I had done pretty much everything at this point. I sighed and felt the bus stop. I looked out the window to see we were stopping for gas somewhere in Florida, maybe an hour away from the next venue. No way was I waiting another hour before getting out of this bus. 

I yelled over my shoulder at Matt N. that I was going for a walk, and stepped outside into the hot sun. Great, another scorching day, I swear it never freaking rains in America. 

I stepped away from the bus, there were a couple other warped tour buses here, and the other ones probably had enough gas to make it without stopping. I looked to see which buses were here. Tonight Alive, Asking Alexandria, and Sleeping With Sirens (oh just fucking great) I walked toward Asking's bus and knocked on the door, Danny was a pretty cool guy and I figured I could hang out with him for a while, plus he's probably the only person here that was more pissed off than me(seriously the guy was always pissed.)

The door opened and I was instantly hit by the stench of smoke and booze.

"Oi, hey Oli."

I looked up and smiled at a slurring, slightly tipsy Danny.

"Hey man, mind if I come in."

"The more the merrier!"

I was pulled into the bus and immediately handed a cold can of beer. Danny and Cameron where already arguing about what music to play and I sat down, happy to be surrounded by the loud music and fighting boys, for once in an entire week I felt fine, then I heard a high-pitched laugh and my sense of clam was shattered. 

"Haha, Ben stop!"

Are you fucking kidding me! I didn't even think about what I was doing, I stood up, leaving my beer at the table and stormed over to the bunks that had the curtain pulled over it and pushed it back. Ivy was laying on the floor, howling with laughter, tears running down her face and Ben was practically lying on top of her, tickling her. 

"Ben get off her."

I pretty much growled at him. He leaned back next to Ivy, who was now trying to catch her breath and shooting daggers at me.

"Hey Oli."

Ben was giving me a smug grin and I could feel my hands curl into fists. God I wanted to punch that smirk off of his face, I was still staring him down when I spoke to Ivy.

"Ivy, go to our bus now."

Ivy stood up and at first I thought she was going to do what I'd asked her to but instead I felt her hand come into contact with my face and I fell backward on my ass. 

"Excuse you! Do you really think you can order me around! Especially after what you did! No! Screw you I'm staying here!"

I stood up while she was screaming at me, fully aware that everyone on the bus was staring at us, I didn’t even care and I didn't care that she had hit me, all I cared about was getting her out of this bus and away from Ben. That fucking horn dog. 

"Ivy, please get in the bus."

She shook her head.


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