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 Forlorn in thought, staring at the sun seeing its progress as it set behind the Woods, sat I, watching the Woods cast long shadows on the patch which were preceded by the stillness of death all around. An occasional chirrup of an unknown insect would ring through my patch jerking me from my reverie, an occasional snap of twig would bring my attention back to the present as the Woods moved to the agitation of the disturbed souls.

I sigh.

Looking around my dried old patch I think of the days when I was powerful. The days when I had subjects bowing to my every command. Bending to my will. It was the most satisfying feeling I had ever known. The feeling of absolute command. The power and strength that followed were added benefits.

An unusually loud snap brought my attention to the edge of the Woods where stood a soul. Head held high, a feeling of pride and haughtiness around him. But something felt off. His aura gave off a lot more sadness and grief than his appearance let on. Though he seems different, observing his structure more closely, nothing seems to be out of place.

He stepped forward. Crossing the fence onto my patch. Something about him reminded me of the days when my reign stretched over the Woods far and wide. The days when my name carried weight. Mere mention of my name would make my subjects tremble. But those were the things of the past. I had learnt humility.

Looking back at the entity in presence, I prepared to greet him and hear what he had to say. He still had quite a lot of ground to cover. Judging by his pace I had enough time at hand to prepare myself a comfortable spot to listen to this new tale. The thought itself was entertaining. A new soul, a new story.

I watched his progress as he carried himself with a sense of authority and a feeling of self importance. I let out a chuckle as I watched him stumble over a jagged piece of rock as he failed to glance down. At that moment , a wall of immense grief and regret hit me. Perplexed I watched him inch closer.

Something that I hadn't noticed before was brought to sight. As I watched his slow progress, I could barely make out his lips moving as he walked. He seemed to be muttering something under his breath. With a final step he closed the distance between us and stood facing me. Looking at me in the eye he steadied his stance and glared at me. Seeing me not falter under his gaze his confidence seemed to take a hit.

Kneeling down, he looked up at me and them slowly, in a bare whisper mumbled two words.

I'm sorry..


Another small chapter... A steady progress ^_^

                          •Why do you think he is the way he is?

                          •What was he muttering under his breath?

                          •What could his tale be?

                          •Why does he say those words?

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