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Ah, yes...Wednesdays, the dreadful day in the middle of the week. Seemingly no escape from the week that's already gone on long enough.

At the moment, you felt like the human version of Wednesday. You didn't fall asleep until three in the morning because of your loud-ass neighbors, who decided to blast Fall Out Boy for five. fucking. hours.

It's not that the songs were bad, oh no. It's the fact that they were singing along, drunk.

You were not surprised when the halls quickly turned into a deserted area, where no man or woman dared walk.

Even the teachers seemed to stay clear of you today, which was surprising because you weren't paying attention to any of the lessons. You'll have to remember to ask your classmates about that later. Not now, later. After you've had a long, nice, peaceful nap.


The bags under your eyes were not dark enough to even keep away the ball of sunshine known as Hinata Shoyo.

"[l/n]-chan!!! [l/n]-chan!!! What are you teaching us today?!" he exclaimed, causing your already hurting head to throb.

"Idiot! Can't you see she has a headache?!" Kageyama barked.

You let out a low growl, grumbling to yourself as you walked to the benches, saying nothing before laying down and falling asleep.

Kageyama and Hinata shared looks of concern, and decided that they would explain to Daichi and the coach why you couldn't teach them today.

Before they could, however, they were stopped by the mother of the team, also known as Sugawara.

"What are you guys doing? I thought you were supposed to be studying with [l/n]-chan?"

The freak duo turned around and explained, "Ah, [l/n]-chan was acting really weird! She just glared at us and went to sleep on the bench!"

Kageyama nodded and pointed to the bench where you were peacefully asleep.

Sugawara let out a hum, allowing the two to go practice for the day.


After practice, everyone had gathered around the sleeping third year.

"She looks so peaceful."

"She actually looks pretty now that she's not frowning or smirking."

"Are we going to wake her up?"

"I'm not doing it."

"Well neither am I."

"I'm not doing it either."

"Asahi! Why don't you wake her up?"

The team let out mumbles of agreement, all of them seemingly on board with the idea.

"Wh-why me?!"

Nishinoya slapped the poor ace on the back, "Because! [L/n]-chan likes you! She won't kill us if you wake her up!"

The nervous ace grew anxious, glancing at you, still on the bench.

You looked tired, he noted.

He looked back at his teammates, looking for someone to convince him not to do it. All he received in return were nods of encouragement, causing him to sweat drop.

He walked slowly towards your resting form, glancing back once again. Still no one tried to stop him.

He gulped, feeling a nervous sweat trickle down his neck.

He reached a hand out towards your shoulder, hesitating for a moment before finally shaking it.

You starting moving, causing some of the club to move back (for safety purposes).

Your eyes opened, squinting slightly at the sudden light entering your vision.

"Ngh...Who--Huh? Asahi?" you said, your voice low from just waking up.

You yawned, "Oh, sorry. I fell asleep didn't I?"

Daichi took a step forward, "It's alright. You can always teach them tomorrow."

You sent him a nod and watched as the rest of the team made silly excuses as to why they should leave right at that moment.

You gathered your things, Asahi still there.

He, being the cinnamon roll he is, was going to try to offer to walk you home.

"Asahi? Don't you need to get home?" you asked, still a bit drowsy.

His face was covered in a red hue as he stuttered out a response, "I-uh I wanted t-to see if you wanted me to walk you h-home?"

You smiled, causing his blush to spread to his ears, "I'd love that!"

Only one thought ran through his head, '....Cute...'


A/N: Gah! Hello again!

So, originally I had this idea about them becoming friends, but halfway through writing the chapter I decided to change it.


CUTE || Asahi AzumaneWhere stories live. Discover now