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"Are you sure this is the place?" Daichi asked.

Sugawara checked his phone, "Ah, that's what the address says. It must be."

The team looked up at the house. It was nice, with white walls, periwinkle crown molding and trim, and a navy blue door. It was two stories up, and had a pretty little flower garden in the front.

Hinata rang the doorbell, excited to be in a new place.

The door was opened by an elderly lady, with white hair and wrinkled skin. She wore a smile that reached her eyes, which were almost hidden by her thick glasses. The team was surprised at her happy atmosphere.

"Oh, you must be [y/n]'s friends...Please, come in. I'll make you boys and girls some tea," she said, opening the door fully.

"Thank you miss," Daichi said, following after the rowdy high school boys.

They had gotten to the living room, where there was enough space to hold all of them. Kiyoko and Yachi sat on the love seat in the back, while the third years quickly sat on the couch. The rest of the boys spread out over the floor and a few chairs in the room.

"Grandma! I can't find my hairbrush!" they heard.

They heard footsteps approaching.


They saw you turn the corner, freezing when you saw the team in your living room.

"Shit, you're here early," you mumbled.

"Hey, [y/n]!" the enthusiastic trio yelled (you know who they are)

"Language," Sugawara warned, making you give him a glare.

The team stared in awe, having never seen you in normal clothes before. Your hair was wet, making them assume you had just taken a shower. You were wearing a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans, your hair dripping water onto your shirt.

You sighed, "I'll be right back..."

The team began talking amongst each other as soon as you left.

"Did you see what she was wearing?!"

"It didn't have any black at all!"

"I've been blessed!!!!" (we all know who said that)

"I've seen an angel!!!"

They hushed each other when they heard you coming back, "Alright, let's get started."

You put your hair up in a quick bun giving up on finding your hairbrush.

The first and second years got their books out while the third years talked amongst themselves, having come just to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

"Alright, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are fine, I assume? Great, what do you guys need?"

You kneeled down beside the second years, knowing that Kageyama and Hinata would call for you when that thought they needed help, "What do you guys need help with?"

"ENGLISH!" they chorused.

You sighed, this was going to be a long day...


"Won niyte...uh...iin a shtrange....shitty?" Tanaka tried.

You shook your head, "No, no. Strange city. Not shitty--Tsukishima, shut it."

The blonde chuckled at his senpai's mispronunciation.

Nishinoya raised his hand, wanting to try next, "Uh...I liek v-vhollieboll. I...I play leeberoh."

You nodded, "That'll do for now...Start doing the writing portion. Translate those words there, and I'll check it in a minute."

You got up and moved over to Hinata, "Which part are you doing?"


You nodded, "So, this is transversal line a, make a rough sketch of the parallel lines and line a, then a separate one with line b instead. Mark all of the angles here onto the lines, and then call me when you're done."

Sugawara called you over to the couch, "Hey, thanks for doing this. We kn--"

You laughed, "It's not a problem! I don't do anything on weekends anyways, it's a nice change..."

The third years observed your face, not a single sign of a frown or displeased expression could be found. You had a bright smile and sparkling eyes filled with joy.

They watched as you helped Hinata and Kageyama with their History homework next, trying to get them to understand that Kevin Bacon and Francis Bacon weren't related and were not the creators of said food.

Daichi and Sugawara exchanged glances, noticing the slight changes in your behavior. You had definitely grown from the rebel you had been before. You were now a visibly nice and caring person, who was still as sassy as ever. But, they knew that it was just a part of your personality, and they loved it. They knew the team felt the same.

Asahi especially.

The third years knew that their friend was currently unaware of the way he looked at you, and how his face grew calm at even the thought of you or the mention of your name.

They watched as the ace was entranced by your voice as you spoke of the Scientific Revolution and how Francis Bacon contributed. It seemed that their ace wasn't comprehending a word you said, just observing your face, which he found to be very pretty.

Words couldn't describe how the ace felt, but his teammates knew.

It was just a matter of time before he realizes it.



I just turned in my big history project on Monday. It wAS 50 PAGES LONG DO YOU REALIZE I STAYED UP UNTIL 5AM THE DAY IT WAS DUE--

Ahem--I'm trying to update a bunch of my stories before state testing starts, but I may not update this one until Summer Vacation or something. (It's in 28 days I know because my science teacher is counting lol)

Anyways, thanks for reading! Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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