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So cold. So extremely cold.

There wasn't a sound to be heard. Something which was terrifying in itself, since it was never silent around here.

A shiver went down my spine. So terribly cold.

It felt like my brain had shut down entirely, therefore was I unable to think properly. To be honest, this was one of the worst things that could happen at a time like this.

Why? Why was this happening to me?

My heart was racing in my chest. If it didn't slow down soon it would probably make a hole in my bosom.

I am trembling. How do I stop this?

Is it possible for a human to choke on their own breath? If it is, then that is what happened to me.

Why am I unable to move my body? Please just move!

I was desperately trying to move my body, while tears were welling up in my eyes. I was so awfully scared. Never before in my whole life had I felt this much fear.

It is coming closer!

I started crying, and at the same time, I somehow lost the ability to breathe completely.

It is so frightfully close.

My heart skipped a beat, two beats, three beats...

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