I Can't

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*Lily's POV*

"Where are we?" I asked Wes.

We were in the middle of nowhere.

"Somewhere away from everything, everyone."


He grabbed my hand in his, and I felt it tingle. He brought me through a cave, ending in a beautiful waterfall with a small pond.

"Aw, it's beautiful."

"Just like you," he said so quietly I barely heard him, which was probably his intention.

"Let's swimmm!" he yelled, stripping out of his clothes, leaving his boxers on, and jumping in.

He popped back up, shaking out the water from his hair.

"C'mon, Lily, loosen up!"

I laughed, stripping from my shirt, shorts and shoes and joining him in the pond.

"It's freezing!" I squealed, holding onto him for warmth.

I felt the vibration of his laugh against my body, "I know."

He swam under the waterfall, and sat down on what I guessed was a rock ledge. I followed him.

"Thank you for helping me forget..." I mumbled, playing with my fingers.

"Anytime. That's what friends are for."

I saw him cringe once he said 'friends'.

I sent a fake smile his way.

*Wes's POV*

I knew it'd be risky, but I had to try. I needed her back, not as my friend, but as my girlfriend. I still love her and I can't stand just being her friend.


She turned to look at me.

I was so scared, I didn't even move quickly towards her lips.

I slowly leaned in and met her lips halfway. I held her face in my hands, pressing my lips harder against hers, showing her how bad I needed her in my life. She was kissing back and it made me so happy.

I felt her slender fingers run down my exposed abs, stopping at the band of my boxers but still grabbing hold of it.

My hands nervously pushed down her bra straps, trailing down her arms. My breath hitched, once she slipped her hand inside my boxers, tightening her fingers around their destination.

"What are we doing?" I questioned, pulling away from her soft lips.

"I don't know... I thought you wanted to... I'm sorry, I'll just go..."

I grabbed her arm as she tried to retreat.

"I do want to, Lily. I just, I'm tired of us randomly hooking up. I want it to actually mean something and I want to be able to fall asleep with you afterwards, I don't want to have to sneak out. I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want. I just want to call you mine again."

"Wes... I... This is too much-"

I cut her off by swimming away, hopping out and throwing my clothes back on. She followed me.

"Wes, please. Just understand."

"No, Lily, I've been understanding for the longest time! I can't take it anymore! I can't take seeing you and not being able to hold you in my arms! I can't take even living with you! I can't take any of it anymore! I give up! I'm leaving and I'm never coming back!"

By the time I finished screaming at her, I had tears running down my face as fast as the waterfall before me.

I stormed off, but she just followed me, getting into my car right after I had.

"Lily, just leave. I'm doing this on my own."

I gripped the steering wheel with force.

"I'm not just going to let you do this, Wes!"

"Why not? It's not like you'd care."

"I do care, Wes! I just need time! My boyfriend just cheated on me for God's sake!"

I sighed, releasing my killer grip from the steering wheel. I replaced my hands with my head, letting the tears fall into my lap.

"Wes...it will mean something this time."

I looked up at her with confusion

clearly written on my face.

"We're going to make love. It's going to mean something and you will be able to sleep with me afterwards."

A smile slowly spread onto my face, "okay."

So... I've been sick with a really high fever and I couldn't write... So my friend helped me out her wattpad is linked below!

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