Meeting With Simon

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*Wes POV*

I just wanted to spend a night with Lily like old times. We walked down the beach before we finally picked a spot to sit.

"I know you think you need time away from guys. Oh and that all guys do is hurt you but, I really would like another chance to prove you wrong..." I said in all seriousness.

Lily just looked at me and said nothing at all.

"I was really stupid to do that to you... I never really knew what I had until it was really gone I guess..." I said.

Lily looked at me and it seemed as if she could start crying at any moment.

I looked up and into her beautiful eyes and spoke again, " Please think about giving me another chance."

*Lily's POV*

I wanted to cry. How could I not want to give him another chance when he is here pouring his heart out to me. I'm just scared it will happen again. Maybe I am just bad luck with guys.

"Wes, I'll think about it...." I said nodding.

His whole face lit up. I smiled back a little. Wes then gave me the biggest hug ever. I missed theses hugs. Maybe I just missed him in general....

We were interrupted by Wes's phone going off. Wes looked at the message and sighed. "I was going to see if you wanted to maybe hang out tomorrow but I have a meeting with Simon and the other guys to see how things are going."

I nodded. "Maybe we could hang out like after it?" I asked.

Wes nodded like crazy, " Yeah of course!"

We stayed at the beach for a few more hours and talked about random things. Eventually we got up and started to head home.

"Thanks for tonight." Wes said.

"No Thank you..." I looked at him and smiled.

After I got to my room I changed into comfy clothes and got in bed. I was so exhausted.

(Next Morning)

*Wes POV*

I was kind of Nervous for meeting with Simon today. You honestly never know what he wants. I guess we would see.

Drew walked into the office a little late. But that's the usual with him.

"Good Morning boys!" Simon said as walking in.

"Morning!" We all said back.

"So your album is a huge hit." He said looking at all of us. " Its getting great feedback!"

We all high fived each other.

"What do you guys think about a Tour?" He asked.

I looked at the guys. We were all nodding like little kids. But then I started thinking, I was just now working on getting the girl I love back. Was I about to lose her again?

*Lily POV*

I decided to clean the house while the guys were gone. It was easier while they were gone since no one was interrupting me.

I wondered what Simon and the guys were talking about. I missed my brother and my friends.

After cleaning the house I sat down and looked through my instagram. I occasionally followed a few of the guys fans. I enjoyed making them smile.

Eventually the boys came home.

"Hey Lil!" Drew and Keaton said together.

"Hi Boys." I responded.

"Hey Lily." Wes said while hugging me from behind.

I turned around and hugged back. "Hey Wes. How was the meeting?" I asked.

For some reason I was always excited to hear how meetings with Simon went. I'd honestly be scared of having to meet up with him. He always seemed so harsh on TV. I couldn't imagine him in real life...

"It went okay." Wes said while he shrugged.

Drew and Keaton looked at him oddly. "What do you mean it went Okay..? It went GREAT!" Keaton said.

"Yeah Man! Our album is a huge hit. Plus the other news! How much better could it get?" Drew said.

"I told you that the album would be a huge hit! And news?!? What is that?" I asked super excited.

"Uh well you see" Wes began. I looked over and Keaton and Drew, all they did was look over at an upset Wes.

SORRY TO LEAVE YOU HANGING GUYS! (: Also I am so sorry I haven't updated for awhile. I ended up getting sick so I'm just now beginning to feel somewhat better!




summer in huntington // wesley strombergWhere stories live. Discover now