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Leeane pov

"Could Leeane omashinee report to the principals office please"

I heard while walking down the hallway trying to get to my first lesson. The principals office? Why?

I ran up the stairs before reaching the principals office, lightly knocking I wait until he had let me in.
The door opened and he stepped a side.
"Come in Leeane"

I slowly walked to the seat and sat on it.

"So I have been informed that you did not attend lesson 5 would you like to tell me why?"

"I didn't feel good"

"Well if you didn't feel good then you could've went to the receptionist so she would call your parents to pick you up"

"Leeane on the first day of school you decide to skip a lesson! We don't tolerate this type of behaviour, but because you did not know I will let you off but next time you would be suspended now leave and get to you lesson "

I got up and walked out the door as fast as my legs could walk.

"So Leeane skipping lessons now"

"Could you just leave me alone?

"if Darcy said or did anything you can tell me and I will fix it"

"Oh my God don't you understand the meaning of leave me alone? I'm speaking English aren't I?"

"Ok but if she does do anything later on please tell me "


Tries to act like they care but all they want is you in bed but leave you heart broken the next.

From this day, I will try my best to ignore him. But then again I have no friends and don't want to be the schools new loner. Maybe I can make a new friend in history today.


Once again I ran as fast as my legs could go not wanting to receive a detention on the second day of school. Once I finally made it basically out of breath I sat down on the only seat left which was at the back where a random girl sat. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

I slowly approached the seat before sitting down and getting my stuff out

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I slowly approached the seat before sitting down and getting my stuff out.

"OK today we would be learning about America in the 1950s and if there was a change throughout the years"

Darcy was at the other side of the room eyeing me as if I killed her mom, probably because of Derek. During the lesson we had to complete a worksheet before the bell had rung for break.
As soon as the bell rang the whole class had ran out leaving me as the only person left. Walking down the hall I was pushed lightly against a locker.

"Missed me?" I could smell his minty breath which was way to strong giving me a small headache as he was basically breathing on my face.

"Do you speak English?"


"Well earlier I told you to leave me alone"

"But I don't want to"

"I understand you trying to be nice and get in bed with me but I don't want to play your shitty game becuase I know many fuckboys like you! I'm not like those clueless bitches who fall under you 'charming' spell"

"Do you really think I'm trying to fuck you? I love you lea"

"My name is not Lea its leeane"

"Im sorry atleast ..come to lunch with me"

" Va te faire voutre"

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