Fate Stand Near Me

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Note: Just a heads up. If you know Greek gods, you know that when dirty laundry gets aired, so do certain overly intimate family relations. Because that's what the Greek gods did, quite a bit. Chapter title excerpted from Fate by Trans Siberian Orchestra.


There is no time for Vivi's distress over your state. No time for farewells with Kay. No time for advice from Mystery-who swiftly feathers himself and takes off into the searing overland sky with Kay-only time for a brief whisper from Hades to Chloe. You should be able to hear what he says, but you are beginning to fear the cost, even for heightened senses, and refuse to use them.

When we have won, we will make time for everything. I am sick to death of there never being enough time.

You laugh at yourself. Winning this war only means turning to the next war. You almost prefer to face Demeter, for next you must face yourself, and that fight will last for the rest of your miserable life.

I can do it. With Kay I can do it.

You do not even know if she will take you now.

If she will not take me, she will keep me contained. Either way, you lose.

So you say, Puppet, but we shall see.

Hades is anything but gentle as he drags you by your rags through the underworld. You do not see Vivi, Teles, or Chloe. Where have they gone? We have been too involved with our own selves to take note, we must take notice of all now, the house of cards is so precarious.

You cannot help but admire when the tunnels are no longer rock, but obsidian set with shimmering blue and green stones so thick-set and scattered that they approximate the night sky underground-but closer and therefore more brilliant.

Did he mold the land to ease his bride with familiarity? Did the god of the underworld know beauty before her?

Of course he did. He has gems and precious metals and the fire of the land's core at his whim. You saw little of it because you were in the dungeons. Perhaps he shaped nothing for her, perhaps his realm was always like this. Likely you will never know for sure, it is not nearly a high enough priority to ask after.

How far did he have to stretch his strength to rescue Persephone?

You already know. You are stretched to your own limits for similar reasons.

The tunnel fades from obsidian to jade, carved in dagger-sharp facets and points that reach out from the walls, as if in warning. Hades' steps drag, as if his feet are more difficult to lift each time. The scent of overladen roses and roast grain teases your senses, and you know you approach the edge of Hades' domain.

There Hades pauses a moment. He reaches into his robes and withdraws a fistful of hyacinth and moss, pressing it to his face. Then he returns it and withdraws something else.

Arthur's eyes widened as Hades withdrew a golden plume from his robe.

"I would that you let her be, mortal. It is never wise to try and return to what was when it has passed beyond repair. But do not think me incapable of understanding or sympathizing. That being said, you have your wish within your grasp." He reached down, tucking the feather into Arthur's hand. "Remember why you are doing this."

He is a fool if he thinks it is possible for us to forget-

Arthur pressed the feather to his face, allowing the memory of Kay's song to wash over him again. He was Arthur Kingsmen. He was about to face the person truly responsible for the Pepper family's ruin. And he would finally bring justice.

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