Chapter 4: Nightmare

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Several hours had passed since we had arrived to the new house. My first thought was "Great....this place is gonna be a bitch to keep clean" I sigh an walked towards what's supposed to be my new bedroom. I walk up the stairs an place my left hand on the doorknob. Right when I did, I got this cold like chill race throughout my body. I tense up an look around like "what the hell was that?" I shake my head and ignore the cold feeling an open my door. Looking around, I see that the moving truck had beat us to the house. My eyes shoot open in shock as my jaw drops. "Wow, they actually did my room perfectly fine." My favorite color was black. Bed sheets were black, walls were black, everything was black. I smile to myself and started unpacking the boxes that had all my junk inside. Right when I went to bend over something made my fall flat on my stomach, like I was being pushed. I quickly look over to see If it was one of my parents who was trying to play a trick on me, but to my surprise, nobody was there. My body tenses up for a few seconds then get back on my feet. "Guess I tripped over my own two feet..." My phone suddenly vibrates an I jump nearly a foot in the air. I sigh in relief an grab my phone to see that it was just a facebook message from that guy who sent me that friend request early this morning.

Funny thing was, my phone was completely dead. It had died in the car on the way here, now things were starting to get really weird. Ignoring the message, I turn my phone off an put it on the charger to charge. The chills I've been feeling ever since I walked into this room had never went away. "Kira! Come on down! You, me, me and your mother have decided to go out for dinner tonight! How does Chinese food sound?" I suddenly jump to hearing my fathers voice boom throughout the house to make sure that I could hear him. "Sounds great dad!!" I responded. I then walk towards the door of my room an place my hand onto the knob, but when I went to twist it, the door wouldn't open. My eyes go wide open an my heart drops down to the pit of my stomach as I juggled the knob an beat on my door. "Help! My door would open!" I would beat on the door harder an harder till one of my parents heard me. My father came rushing up the stairs an tried to open the door on the other side, But there was no luck. "Dad what's going on!? I'm starting to freak out!" I rammed my body into the door, hoping to get it to swing open. Unfortunately, it did just that. The door would swing open. Due to attempting to thrusting my body into the door, I feel right onto my father. My heart was racing with fear as I rolled off of him.

"Are you alright, Kira?" My father asked. I responded saying "Yeah, I'm fine. But I'm just wondering why my door wouldn't open? Ever since I walked through that threshold, things started to get weird..." I looked up at my father an he just smiled, patting the top of my head. "It's probably nothing, now come on, lets get some food in our stomachs. You've had nothing but junk food and we haven't ate at all." I would then slightly giggle an looked up at him. "I tried to get you to pull over at a McDonald, but you wouldn't listen to me." He smiles softly an I grab my Ipod an ear buds then we all went outside to the car an piled in then drove off to the Chinese place. Truth be told, my stomach was growling all day, even if we stopped by a gas station, it wasn't enough to fill me up. I have a high metabolism an I shock a lot of people with how much I can eat an not gain any weight, it even creeps my parents out abit. I just giggle an keep going. We go inside an order our food then just sit at a table to talk. "Kira, get some sleep tonight, you have school tomorrow." My body tensed up to the thought of going to a new school. What's going to happen? Will I actually make some friends? Or will it be like my old school an get bullied? I did a fake smile an nodded. "Oh goody..." I sigh an hold my head with my hand. My mind was racing with what had happened back at the house. First I trip over my own two feet then, my door wouldn't budge? That sounds creepy to me...

Several hours would pass an the family would be joking around an giggling while we ate our dinner, at this point, we were eating those delicious sugar donuts you normally get at any Chinese restaurant. We all eventually finish eating an get ready to go. My father pays for the dinner an we head out the door an pile into the car once again then, head home. My stomach was getting tied up in knots an doing twists an turns, the normal feeling I get when I start getting nervous about something. I slip my ear buds in my ears an start listening to Face Down by the red jumpsuit apparatus an slowly closed my eyes. We pull up to the house about 5 minutes later an get out then go inside. I go upstairs an walk back into my room, this time, I kept the door opened. Truth be told, I was scared to close it again. I go into my closet an pick out my clothes for school tomorrow then grab my pajama's. I sit the pajama's on my bed an walk to the bathroom. My eyes widen with how big the bathroom actually was. I close the bathroom door an strip down naked then hop into the shower. Thirty minutes would pass an I get out an wrap a red towel around my small body frame then get out. I look over at the mirror an what I saw, made me jump an scared me more then anything ever did in a long time. It said "I'm watching you" Of course I would think it was just one of my parents playing some sort of prank so I brushed it off then went to my room an slip on my pajama's. I look at my phone to see it was at 20% an charging. I decided to leave it on the charged tonight so I grab my laptop an get on my laptop.

I log onto facebook to see that I got 5 messages from the same guy I've been talking to from the moment I had woke up. Mainly the messages said "Where are you?" "Why won't you answer me?" "I know you saw my message woman." Finally, the last message had hot my attention. "See you at school, Kira." I gulped an quickly logged out an turned my laptop off then put it away for the night. It was 10:00 pm an I needed my sleep for tomorrow's hell hole. I turned off my light an layed down. Rain started pouring an would hit the roof top hard. It was kind of relaxing. I close my eyes an slowly drift off to sleep. Several hours into my slumber I start hearing things, banging an even footsteps. Ignore them an slipped eat buds in my ears an listened to music till I had fell back asleep. 

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