Chapter 13: Confrontation

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Sitting there on the toilet, I felt like I was going to pass out..How can this all happen? I didn't even have sex? I've only had sex once but that was many years ago. Snapping back into reality, I wrap the test up an put it deep into the trashcan so that my parents wouldn't find it. Getting up, I flush the toilet and wash my hands then walk out, walking into my bedroom. I sit on my bed, going dead silent as I would be thinking "How the hell is this happening to me? Why is this happening to me?" most importantly, WHO is doing this to me. Laying back, I slowly close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep. While I'm asleep, I start thinking of the young boy I came in counter with back in the girls restroom. Who is he? He has my eyes and hair color...which is weird...He even touched my stomach, what's up with that? Just then, the little boy slowly appears yet again and this time, he's sitting by the swings, crying. Hearing his sobs, I get this quick instinct to go towards him. I get just a few inches away from him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey little boy, what's wrong? Are you lost?" The child slowly turned his head to look at me with his ice blue optics and had tears at the brim, threating to come out. Kneeling down, I slowly wipe the tears away. "Are you lost? Want me to help find your parents?" The boy nods an I help him up. "I can't find my mommy...I want my mommy..." He starts crying. I felt my heart strings being tugged slightly an I gently pick the boy up, holding him close to me. "Don't worry little one, I'll help you find your mommy." The boy would hold on to me tightly. "So what's your name sweetheart?" I say while walking down the small pathway in the park. "Kiba..." I smile softly an look at the boy. "Kiba, that's a cute name. I like it." Sighing softly, I look ahead to see Mason standing there, with his arms crossed. "DADDY!" Kiba says, wiggling around, I giggle softly and gently sit him down onto the ground and he runs towards Mason, looking at him in slight shock.

Mason grins and picks Kiba up, holding him tightly. " never told me you had a son..." I walk towards the two. Half of me would feel hurt an jealous. The other half just didn't know what the hell was going on. Mason chuckled and looked at me, smiling softly. "Of course silly, not only is he my son, he's yours too." My eyes go wide, ready to pop out of the eye socket. "WHAT?!" Before Mason could say anything else, my eyes shoot wide open and I would be sitting in my bed, gasping for air and cold sweat would be pouring from my forehead. My eyes wonder around as I think to myself "It was only just a dream..least I think so." Hearing my phone vibrate, I look over at my nightstand and take the phone out, only to see it was a facebook message from Jason. The message said "Sleep well princess?" I growl softly and send him a message saying "We need to talk...NOW" Jason soon responds with a "Alright cutie, I'll be there in five" Sure enough, I hear the doorbell ring five minutes later.

Quickly running down the stares, I grab the door and open it, looking at Jason. Stepping to the side he comes in an I close the door, glaring at him. "What the hell did you do to me?" He simply smirks an looks at me with his deep blue optics. "Don't know what you are talking about sweetheart." I slam my fist into the wall. "You know exactly what I'm talking about you damn moron!" Jason would quickly press me up against the wall, laying his forehead up against mine and whispers "Shhh....getting mad isn't good for the baby~" While nibbling on my ear lobe. Holding back my moans, I push him away. "Stop it! When the hell did this happen?! Did you drug me or something?" Jason suddenly busts out into fits of laughter. "Drug you? remember all the movies about nightmare on elm street....That, whatever happens in your dream, happens in real life?" My eyes go completely wide when he finished his sentence.

"You didn't..." He smirks while crossing his arms. "Oh I did, and you loved every second of it~" After he had said that, I slapped him hard across the face, hard enough to leave a large hand print. "YOU RAPED ME?!" He softly rubs his cheek while looking at me. "It isn't rape if you enjoyed it, and you my dear enjoyed, every inch of it." I growl softly and slap him hard across the face once again, but only this time, I found myself being pinned up against the wall an him having his body up against mine. I'm trying hard to get away by he wouldn't budge. "'Your mine forever, Kiara. Why are you resisting? Don't you love me? I am Mason after all." I kick him hard in the balls an push him off me. "YOUR NOTHING LIKE MASON SO KEEP HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOTUH AND I'LL NEVER BE YOURS!" Jason starts laughing while looking at me. "Oh my dear dear WILL be mine whether you like it or not." He crosses his arms, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah? What if I say no and get lost?" Jason smirks an looked at me. His eyes start to darken to a pitch black color and the ground begins to shake. "You say yes to being with me, or your whole family dies. It's all on you Kira. Your decision affects all. You got till sundown tomorrow to come up with the answer." Tears start to swell up in my eyes as I look up at him. "And what happens if I say yes...?" I look up at Jason as he had this big smirk plastered across his face. "Then your family stays safe. You continue to life your life but once the child is born, you will be immortal. Together, we will rule the underworld as King and Queen!" Looking down, I cross my arms while tears slowly trickle down my cheeks. "You'll have your answer by sundown tomorrow..." "Good. See you tomorrow then." With that being said, Jason walks out of the house and heads home. I fall to my knees an break down into tears. I felt my entire world crashing down and crumbling before me and for once In my life I don't know what to do...I'm stuck and I don't know the answer.

I want to keep my family safe from Masons wrath but I don't want to be with him...Not anymore..He isn't the way he used to be..If he wasn't such an evil psychopath, this wouldn't be a problem. What made him turn evil? Wiping my tears away, I manage to pull myself up an go back to my room for the remainder of the night. Reaching my bedroom, I change to my pajamas and curl up into a tiny ball an close my eyes, Drifting off to sleep in hopes when I wake, I'll have the right answer. 

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