Chapter 11: Demonic Presence Pt. 2

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I sigh and sit at my computer desk, doing my homework while listening to music on You tube. The song that was playing was called "Down" by Jason Walker. I start having flashbacks back when Mason was alive. The flashbacks only started to bring tears to my eyes an soon enough, the tears roll down my cheeks. Her bangs fall into her eyes, hiding them as she lays her head an starts crying. Having the last flashback she ever had of him. Flashback: We had just entered the hospital and I was banged up pretty badly. Regardless of the pain, I ignored it and got up, rushing to the room Mason was. When I reached his room his heart monitor was flat lined. Standing there, I felt my heart slowly shatter into oblivion. No other pain could compare to what I was feeling right then. My knees suddenly fell weak an I drop to the ground like a limp dish rag. I remember crawling over to his hand and holding his hand. His hand was cold as ice...No signs of life whatsoever. I felt my heart shatter even more an I finally lose it. I break down into tears right then and there an wouldn't let anyone else touch me.

End of flashback Sighing softly, I lift my head back up an wipe the tears away but when I looked in the mirror, I saw Mason..My heart dropped like a ton of bricks. He looked at me an extended his hand as if he wanted me to get up an take it like he was going to take me out somewhere. Being the idiot I am, I get up and walk towards what I think was Mason. I extend my hand out, taking his and suddenly, the room went dark. I heard nothing but demonic laughter. My body starts shaking like a twig an I'm unable to even move. "W-where am I? What's going on?" I asked myself over and over again. I look up ahead only to see Mason again, only this time, He look like some demonic monster. My eyes go wide with shock. He smirks an chuckles. Mason takes a step forward as he would now be infront of me. His teeth were demonic sharp and his breath smelt like something god awful. My nose wrinkled up from the stench.

He goes to place a hand on my cheek an right when he did I jump nearly a foot in the air an my eyes shoot wide open. I look around only to see that I fell asleep at my desk. It was just a dream...or was it? I look in the mirror only to see a long scratch on my cheek. "What the hell?" She sighs as she takes her finger an gently glides it over her small scratch. After an hour later, she finished doing her homework an decided to do some research on the house she was living in, hoping to find out why the place is acting like its haunted an all. After searching on Google for what seemed forever, She finally pulled up a link. Turns out the father went phyco an killed his family an some idiot an his friends were screwing around with the Ouija board. I clicked on the pictures of the males who was mentioned in the story. The only that actually caught my eye was the male who looked exactly like Jason...In fact, it WAS Mason..The only thing that was really creepy, was it was back in 1968...It's 2016...Just what in the hell is he!? I quickly log into my facebook account an see that he's online.

I send him a message saying "We need to talk...come over, my parents aren't home..." He quickly responded with a "Alright, be there in 5 babycakes" I roll my eyes at the nickname he just called me. I don't know the guy and he's giving me nicknames. Five minutes would pass and I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly get up and head downstairs, placing my hand on the knob an twisting it. When I open the door, I see Jason standing there with some sly smirk across his face. I grab his arm and pull in him. "Care to explain why I found an article about you back in 1968?! What are you...who are you?!" Jason stands there an starts laughing an crosses his arms. "You caught me, Kiara. I'm not Jason...I'm Mason...Hades gave me enough strength to take over the males body completely just so I could come get you back. Kira I missed you even when I was nothing but cold air. I've never felt so alive!" My eyes go wide an I slowly move away. "So your not even human...your some sort of demon?"

He grins as his sharp demonic teeth begin to show. "Bingo sweetheart." He comes closer to me an places his left hand on her cheek. "Kira baby we can be together now. Forever and for a all eternity! I'm the new prince of hell!" I shake my head and move further away from him. " aren't Mason...Mason wasn't a monster.." He chuckles an grabs me by the wrist an we both teleport to the depths of hell. My eyes wonder around as I saw nothing but darkness. No light whatsoever. "This is just some damn dream...when I wake up, I'll just be on the couch or somewhere. This isn't real!" Mason starts laughing an looked at me, shaking his head. "This is 100% real sweetheart. Best believe it cause your in my world now. Nothing will split us apart now Kiara! When I made that promise to myself that I'd one day come back, I meant it. It took forever to find out how but I finally managed to pull it off! And now, your mine!"I shake my head in disbelief as he starts laughing all demonic like.

"Take me back to the living world I don't want to be here!" Mason smirks an looked at me with his pitch black eyes. "As you wish my princess~" "don't call me that!" He laughs lowly as he suddenly appear back in my living room. I look at him and back away from him. "Your not the same person you was before..." Mason crosses his arms. "Course not, I'm stronger!" I stood there an stared at him. Finally, my parents came home from work and he vanishes. My head was pounding at this point so I go an take some Ibuprofen and go to lay down. After changing into my pajama's I curl up into a tiny ball and close my eyes, falling asleep. Daylight soon comes 10 hours later and I get up, getting ready for school. Thirty minutes pass and I finally walk into the double doors only to get pushed down to the ground by my ex best friend. "Touch my boyfriend again whore, I dare you" I growl lowly an get up, glaring at her.

"Bitch I don't want your boyfriend. I know how many people you've slept with and I don't want aids! Have fun...slut." She gets ready to throw a punch but I duck in time, causing her hand to ram into the lockers behind me, breaking her hand. I couldn't help but laugh and walk away. Ugh, this is going to be one hell of a day I can tell...I get to class an pull out my school laptop then start doing the school work the teacher had planned us to do.

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