Chapter 9: The Man Behind The Screen

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Jason smirks as he looked down at his messages on facebook, noticing that Kiara didn't answer. He chuckles and sighed softly while running his fingers through his black hair. "It seems that she has forgotten about me..." He said to himself, leaning back in his computer chair. "But she will find out soon enough, I'll make her remember. Truth is, I am Mason. Yes, I died in the car accident but some idiot decided to play the Ouija board with his friends an just so happens, I took the opportunity in coming back to life. It wont be long till she gets my little gift. I WILL make Kiara my wife. That woman is all I can ever think about. Even in my final moments, I had flashbacks when we first met. She took a hit for me back in elementary school from a big galoot on the playground..I'll never forget that day. Flashback: I would be sitting outside with my classmates. Kiara, she would be sitting on the brick wall by herself. I smile softly, looking at her. Admiring her looks.

Her ice blue eyes, Her skin, Her face, Her hair, everything. She was a true knock out. Could have any guy she wanted but sadly in her mind, nobody wanted her. Well except for me of course. I get up, ready to walk over to her so I can finally say something, but when I get just one foot away from her, the school bully suddenly blocked my view of her. The bully was honestly no looker. He was tall but, basically looked like a damn bowling ball. He shoves me down an I land on my ass. Kiara looked over from the corner of her eye an stared. The bully, pulls his arm back, making a fist an gets ready to punch me dead in the face. I close my eyes tightly, preparing myself for what's about to happen, expecting the worse and possibly getting my teeth knocked completely out. Not feeling the punch, I open my eyes to see Kiara laying on the ground out cold. My eyes go wide with shock as the bully drops me and ran away like a bitch. I go over towards her an turn her over to see if she was still breathing.

Thank god she was. She had this huge bruise on her face from taking the punch. For a girl, she has spunk, an that's something I admire in a girl. Everyone else would just stand there an watch while I got my ass beat by some fatso. But her, She actually took a punch for me, an for that, I'm forever thankful. That's one reason I fell head over heels for her. I walked over to her an help her back up onto her feet. "Why did you do that...?" Kiara smiled and simply said "Cause your my friend silly, and I'll always protect my friends no matter the cost." I felt my eyes go wide from her response and ever since then, me and her have been close. Flashback over. Jason gets up and walks towards his bathroom, turning on the shower then starts stripping down an climbing in. "I still remember the day I asked her to be my girlfriend...It was the best day of my life...I'd do anything for her." Flashback: Me and Kiara would be sitting outside eating lunch and listening to music.

The two of us were insuperable together. Nothing could ever come between us. Truth be told, I liked her more then just a friend. I...I loved her. I actually loved the girl. It was prom week and Saturday night was prom night. I pulled her over to the side an pulled out a dozen of long stemmed red roses, redder then her hair an got down on one knee, looking up at her. Her eyes were wide with shock. I simply grinned and said "Will you go out to prom with me?" She grins an nods as an answer. I get back up and hand her the roses. Prom night came and she wore this beautiful long red dress that fitted her body just perfectly. She was the most beautiful girl in the room. In the background, All of me by John legends was playing. Kiara wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist as we both danced together in the slow dance. Finally, I mustered up what courage I could and gently lifted her chin up gently to face me.

She looked up at me with her ice blue optics and I smiled. Finally, I said "Kiara, I don't want to be friends anymore..." When I said that, her eyes quickly swelled up with tears. When she was ready to pull away I quickly tightened my grasp around her and whispered in her ear "Because I want to be more then just your friend...Kiara, I love you, I love you more then anything in this world...will you be my girlfriend?" I slowly pull away from her ear an she looks up at me with the brightest smile and nodded "I'd love to" was her answer. Before she could say anything else, I leaned in an kissed her lips deeply an passionately. I felt sparks an fire works going off. Slowly, I pull away an said "Together, forever.." and she responded with "Forever together." That had to be the best night In my entire life. End of flashback Jason climbs into bed an lays down, watching television, closing his eyes. Thinking "The day I had to leave, was the absolute worst day of my life...

I was actually planning on asking Kiara to marry me...But sadly, I wasn't able to due to the damn car accident...Flashback: Kiara and I have been dating for about four years now. Best four years of my life as a matter of fact. I know I keep saying that, but I absolutely mean it. She truly was a treasure and wasn't like most girls. Most girls would be spreading their legs by now, but her, she was waiting till she was getting married. I loved her more then anything imaginable. I was walking out of the ring shop, grinning like an absolute idiot. Tonight was the night. It's our 5 year anniversary and I'm going to finally ask the woman of my dreams to marry me. I go to a flower shop an buy a dozen of long stemmed red roses which was her favorite flower. I get into my car an slip the ring box into my pocket an send Kiara a text saying "Get ready beautiful, I'm on my way to get you. We're going out to eat tonight." She responded with "Alright baby, see you in thirty minutes"

Grinning, I start the car and head towards her home. Without her knowing, I asked her parents for her hand in marriage. They surprisingly said yes, guess I was that likable. Thirty minutes would pass and I pull into her driveway. Getting out, I walk to her doorstep an knock on the door. Her father opened the door and there stood Kiara, looking stunning as always. She wore a long black dress that reached the ground. I was breath taken by the sight of her. I walk up an take her hand an lead her to the car. Opening the passenger door an helping her in. I get onto the other side and get in myself. Starting the car, we soon head down the highway. We was heading towards the Olive Garden. Kiara's favorite food was Spaghetti after all. I honestly don't know what happened...Everything was just perfectly fine and suddenly...I get T-boned and the car goes flying off the railing and does a few flips. The car comes to a halt in a ditch and Kiara was out cold. I however, punctured a lung and couldn't breath.

All I remember is getting to the hospital an Kiara screaming and crying...Everything suddenly goes black and I see this white, beautiful light..My soul was floating out of my body and I just stood there, watching Kiara sob and cry her eyes out. I might not be able to physically return to my normal body, but right then and there I made a promise to myself that I'll return to her. I lay my hand on her cheek an vanish as my heart line remained flat. End of flashback I really hated that day...I've never seen her that upset...ever....But on one hand, I did keep my promise and I always keep my word. I will make Kiara mine again. She just needs to realize that it really is me. Flashback: One night, a group of friends was playing the Ouija board....what idiots...don't they realize what hell can be caused? Then, it hit me. I could take over one males body and get Kiara back! I grinned an appeared one male and chuckled softly. Gathering what strength I had, I entered the males body an took over. From then on, I was known as Mason. End of flashback Jason yawns an slowly closes his eyes, thinking "Tomorrow, Kiara will be mine...I'll make sure of it.."

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