;0Oh my

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Well I'm gonna do some scenarios because I'm a uncreative piece of shit and barely update. ;;00 anyways your not here for me

In the middle of a horror movie ;0
-Dropped the soda while suggesting he should carry everything
-will scream for his dear pure cinnamon roll life
-the one that hugs you tightly and cries when anyone dies
-Stays in the bathroom after half of the movie

-Isn't scared at all
-Gives you kisses when you're scared
-Uses his private theater since "commoner" popcorn scent is everywhere

-whispering to you how the actor could've put more emotion
-When he's  scared he grabs you're hand tightly.
-screams like a girl

-Spoils everything
-Turns on his phone hacking into the camera playing the movie
-States all the flaws 24/7

-Only came because he got ice cream in the theater
-Everyone left the theater and you two were the only ones there
-The movie to him is like teletubbies

-Only watching because you wanted to go and zens in the movie
-quietly Fangirls with you when zens on screen(BECAUSE ITS A THEATER)
-Softly cries with you whenever someone dies while pecking your cheek

But wait there's more ;O

Finds out you hid  (Insert favorite Item/Creature)

-You took his password and logged him out of LoLoL
-Begs you like a pupper for his password notebook
-Slowly dying inside
-Cuddles with you
-Instantly finds a game slightly worse than LoLoL but plays it
-Your plan failed and he found a new game

-You hid Elizabeth with Yoosung in the 23rd bathroom
-He orders all his employees to find her
-They find her and yoosung playing in the tub(WITH CLOTHES ON NOT TAKING A BATH OR SHOWER)
-Jumin questions why he still considers yoosung for C&R
-You confess you made yoosung do it so you could spend time without him talking about Elizabeth 24/7
-Let's just say you got some of it that night( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-You hid yourself and the mirrors
-Zen finds you quickly since there's not many places you would be
-He kisses you saying "Don't leave me again my sweet,"
-You re think this and think "This was way too simple"

-You hid yourself within a car with a bunch of honey buddha chips and 9boxes of doctor pepper
-Seven ran out and looked for more
-Looked for you
-Yells your name
-You try hard not to say "I'm here saeyoung!"
-He finds you in a weird Nintendo car he got a while ago
-Hugs you and wasn't letting you out of sight for days

-All the ice cream was gone,you ate it all.
-You watched Netflix last night while having a period.Makes sense to me
-When he tries to get one he panics because he just bought a whole box last night
-You confess to eating all of the precious ones ice cream.

-You hid all the Zen CDs
-She worked untill 11PM
-She looked for them and was stressed but didn't want to complain to you
-You showed them from feeling guilty

I hope that satisfies you guys 'till next time ;O

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