Still Here

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It was I who was there always by his side,
And in his presence I felt nothing but dignified.

I gave him everything expecting nothing in return,
Never having even the slightest concern.

I was clueless as to what was really coming until it actually occurred,
His presence always made my senses blurred.

It now seems like forever since we had last spoke,
The last day being when he left my heart forever broke.

Still to this day my hearts numb and can't feel,
I still wonder if it all actually happened for real.

I though our love would keep us forever strong, but it turned out I've never been so completely wrong.

He never loved me, I was never good enough,
The relationship was nothing but a well constructed bluff.

Here I am, so long down the line and still not a word from him,
Everyday my world becomes more and more dim.

I can't seem to find brightness in my life,
I thought we'd end up together and he's make me his wife.

Surely I was wrong, but where is he today,
Who did he become after I got betrayed.

He never even asked if I was ok,
He just disappeared forever going away.

I think I miss him but I cannot tell,
Every time I think of him I hear a clinging bell.

It reminds me of the void in my heart,
Leaving it feeling like it was struck with a  piercing dart.

I want him to find me and tell me he still cares,
But life is not like that, it's too full of despairs.

He was the one who left me shattered from within,
But I loved him so much if he came back I would give in.

But he wouldn't come back, he made that very clear,
Leaving me full of rejection and fear.

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