Chapter #1 Spring Feelings

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Spring had finally arrived in Dark Falls! Buds began sprouting and blooming on the trees and there was a sweet smell in the air. There was also a sweet feeling in the air as well; the feeling of new life and love! Cheesy thing to say? Yes, but it was true!

Hi, my name is Katie Pacosky. I'm 18 years old with long brown curly hair that has blonde highlights in it and I also have blue eyes. I've been living in my new home of Dark Falls for about 7 months now with my mom, dad, and brother Josh.

I really loved it here in Dark Falls. The town in itself was unique and quaint. The residents however were not your everyday people, in fact, they weren't people at all. They were monsters!

Zombies, witches, aliens, werewolves, vampires, ventriloquist dummies, lawn gnomes, you name it. And my family and I were the only humans in the mix of all of them. And no, that's not a bad thing.

These monsters weren't your typical 'rip you to shreds on sight' types, instead they were monsters that had been misunderstood and forced to flee from their old lives, just looking for a little acceptance. In Dark Falls and from me; that's exactly what they got.

It was late March; the official beginning of Spring! It was also Thursday, and I was walking my usual route home from school. As I walked my curls bounced on my shoulders from my head bobbing up and down to the music playing in my ears. I sang out loud to myself a little bit as well.

    "Wooooooooooah, Mona Lisa; You're guaranteed to run this town. Woooooooooah, Mona Lisa; I'd pay to see you froooooown." I sang. You really couldn't go wrong with Panic! At the Disco.

I continued to sing the words until the song ended. Everything went quiet as I paused my music, searching for a new song.

As I was scrolling through songs, a hand grabbed my shoulder. I yelped and jumped away, spinning around in the process, towards the direction of the hand.

It was my friend Will Blake, the werewolf! He was in his human form at the moment though. His dark brown hair casually styled and his yellow-greenish eyes flickered with amusement at my yelp.

I let out a sigh of relief.

    "Man you jumped like 10 feet in the air!" Will laughed.

    "Haha, very funny Will." I replied.

    "Oh come on, you should have seen the look on your face." Will teased.

    "I'm sure it was priceless, you scared the shit out of me!" I admitted, starting to continue walking.

    "Well who'd you think it was?" Will asked, walking beside me.

    "I don't know, not somebody friendly because they snuck up on me." I answered.

This made Will snicker. It also made me desperate to change the subject.

    "So anyways.....How are you and Hannah?" I questioned.

    "We're good. Still going strong. Thanks for asking." Will responded.

    "No problem, good to hear." I smiled.

Hannah Stoneman was Will's girlfriend and one of my best friends. She was a werewolf just like him, except with very light brown fur and gray eyes; the colors of her actual human hair and eyes. I shipped them together the minute I found out they both liked one another.

A short while later, we came across Will's house, so him and I waved goodbye to each other. I continued on towards my house, reaching it a few minutes later.

My house from the outside looked a bit old and run down. My family and I fixed it up as best we could; giving it a fresh coat of paint and de-weeding the flower beds, but some things were beyond helping.

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