The search

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As one officer pats me down the other checks my bag and locker and then in sync both declared(which I knew was going to be said) "She's clean" the officer says "no shit" I mumbled to myself. So of course they call my dad to come down to the school, which he did... When my dad got there he was calmer than I thought he would be. He asks to have a word with me alone but one officer had to stay in the room." Riley, you didn't really do this. I know you wouldn't so why do they think you did?" I can't reply because I have no answer, I mean I don't know what's going through their heads so I can't answer, so I stare blankly at the K9 and cry. My dad leaves the room with a look I have never seen before on his face, a look of anger but also sadness. The principal comes back in and so does my dad, she starts talking to me again," Riley I honestly do believe you would do this, but majority wins and there is no evidence you found it so you're not in as much trouble... But you will be suspended for at least 5 days due to district protocall. My dad starts to argue with her because of what she said and how long my suspension is. My dad got out of hand and was taken to jail for the night for yelling at the principal. I sat and waited until my aunt came to pick me up because I couldn't stay at school for the rest if the day. When she arrived she brought my older cousin Hayley who was in tears and my aunt had a look of determination when she came in and yelled at the principal and staff. While that happened my cousin Hayley came and hugged me so hard I thought I was going to die she stares crying into my shoulder and whispers to me, " I know you didn't do it. You know how our family is and that this crap gets out of hand really quick and easily." I layed my head on her shoulder while the police calmed my aunt down enough for us to leave. After my aunt brings me to my grandmas who scared me even more because my grandma isn't the nicest person when it comes to punishment and she will literally beat you if she feels like it. When we pulled up she was peering through the curtains of the front window... Lovely


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