Up for the night

14 1 0

I decided I was going to pull an all-nighter. I searched and searched the cabinets for some Pepsi that I knew was there because dad bought the day before everything happened. I climbed on the counter and jumped across the 1 ½ ft gap to the top of the fridge and searched the cabinets above the fridge. "Hah! I found you! I knew it was here!" I yelled at the unopened 2 liter of Pepsi. I called and ordered Pizza for myself. I scrounged up some change from couch cushions, and the jar of change/some bills in the top shelf of the highest cabinet. Once it got here I paid and took everything upstairs to t dad's bedroom. Nobody was sleeping in it so I figured I'll use the TV. I turned on MTV and watched a Rob Dyrdek marathon; Rob&Big, Ridiculousness, and Fantasy Factory. I ate my food and drank almost all the soda. It hit 4am and I was ready to pass out, but I knew that if I did then I wouldn't get up until super late. I tried to stay up longer but it just wasn't working, eventually I passed out completely around 6am.


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