Queenie Goldstein

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Chapter Two 

Queenie Goldstein

Queenie walked down the darkly lit room in the lower levels of the MACUSA building. Various pipes lined the low ceiling, the home of the Memorandum Rodentium or the rat memos as they liked to call it. Though none travelled through as it was still quite early, even for Queenie. The witch arrived at the desk she'd been working on for almost her entire live. Even though the surface was hidden under the piles of paperwork, packages and more, Queenie could hold herself within her own chaos. She put down her small porcelain cup of coffee on the only small free space available and sat down on the simple swivel chair behind her desk. Queenie sighed with a small smile while looking at the empty desk in front of her.

After everything that happened in New York, with the whole city being Obliviated at the end, Tina was officially promoted back to her spot in The Major Investigation Department as an Auror. It had been this way most of Queenie's time when twins worked at MACUSA. Tina's long hours and late nights left Queenie often on her own. She felt lonesome sometimes, but had faith in her sister for turning home safe where a hot meal was awaiting her. Though that gnawing feeling of worry in her stomach when she was working in the silent apartment on one of her dresses wasn't always that pleasant. She hadn't often shown her worry to Tina as she knew that being an Auror had been Tina's long dream and Queenie wanted to support that.

Though after two week she resigned, a surprise to all, except for Queenie of course. Her sister had been left behind and slightly heartbroken when Newt left America, who took off to distant lands to finish his book. Even though Tina didn't admit all this, Queenie knew that her older sister had given Newt a special place in her heart. So, in an impulsive act, for which Tina wasn't quite known, she stepped away from her position as Auror and bought a boat ticket to go after Newt. The younger Goldstein was filled with pride and happiness that her sister finally had chosen to follow her own heart instead of her head.

Yesterday a letter from her younger sister had arrived, telling her that she'd arrived safely on the other side of The Atlantic Ocean, it was dated a little more than one week ago. Queenie missed her younger sister, but the American wizarding world as well as it was short one great Auror. Queenie wasn't only a Legilimens, but the blond clearly understood that everything was far from over after the Obscurus and the capture of Grindelwald.

The sound of something scurrying along one of the pipelines alerted Queenie back towards her desk. The bewitched memo rattled down a pipeline that led to the front of Queenie's desk. The witch felt a smile forming on her face 'Hello there little one' she said and opened the tube for the Memorandum Rodentium to jump out. The bewitched paper creature sniffed around with his imaginary nose and then turned towards Queenie, seemingly looking at her as if it did have eyes. The paper creature suddenly jumped and unfolded in the air, landing in a swirl on Queenie's desk. The witches' eyes twinkled with excitement, as Queenie rarely got one of them, and grabbed the note.

Dear Queenie Goldstein,

I've an important message to you. A wand must be collected from the MACUSA Wand Storage Office. Specifics are noted in the Application for Wand Permit that will arrive shortly after you've read this note. Keep it with you today, the owner will come retrieve it. Normally I leave this to others, but as I said it is very important.

- Seraphina Picquery,

The president of the Magical Congress of the United States of America

On the bottom was the president's signature and the official authorization stamp of MACUSA. Queenie was left speechless, but could also feel a sense of specialness tingling inside. On cue another Memorandum Rodentium slipped through the opening of Queenie's desk tube. Again it jumped into the air, but now magically unfolded in a dark green leaflet. Queenie grabbed the leaflet, which she knew by the shape, color and size of it was an official wand permit, and the note and left her desk more excited than she'd ever been on an early Tuesday morning at MACUSA.

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