Seraphina Picquery

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A/n: thank you all who've supported this story so far. Here's another chapter, enjoy! :)

Chapter three

Seraphina Picquery 

That morning just after ten that morning, a meeting between Seraphina and her Aurors was planned in the Major Investigation Department. With the starting rumors of Percival's return, Seraphina wanted to announce it firstly to her Aurors before they would go public. Though the information that had been handed to her about two hours earlier left her more nervous than ever. The president adjusted her tailored suit and twisted the golden rings on her left hand, her nervous ticks, wondering how her Aurors would receive the news. The clock in the room chimed ten times and Seraphina looked to her right at Percival who eyed the door to the room intently, on her left stood Terry Varrowe, her assistant.

A minute later one the Aurors entered through the door. Archy Welch, preferred to be named Welch, was the oldest of six Aurors that served at MACUSA and therefore knew Percival Graves quite well. The ginger haired Auror smiled at the sight of him 'Percival!" and crossed the room giving the other wizard an unexpected, but mildly appreciated hug. 'The rumors are true then' Welch said in his Scottish accent while releasing Percival from his hold 'I'm glad your back, I knew there was something fishy about it all' he continued giving his former pupil a firm squeeze on his shoulder. The Auror had grown up in Scotland, but after he met his 'Bonnie', as he'd liked to call her, he moved to America to marry her. Now the father of three, the most recent one, Violet just three months old, was giving him quite a hard time. Welch often said that it was harder to put the little one to sleep than working for MACUSA. 'Madam' President' Welch stated professionally and stood beside Percival waiting for the other Aurors to arrive.

Next in was Alforno Medici in his usual pristine suit and spotless black leathered coat 'Madam' President' he said to her giving a nod before his eyes travelled to the Auror beside her 'Percy, Percy, Percy, where've you been my amico!' Alforno said in his thick Italian accent while his signature moustache curled up with his smile. Percival sighed, the wizard couldn't get used to the irritating amount of attention, but he resented it the most coming from Alforno.

The Italian and him trained together under Welch to become an Auror. The two despised one another in the beginning, but in the end came out as competitive colleagues. Alforno was one of the many Italian immigrants of the time, though Alforno's family had fled Europe. The rise of Grindelwald and his attacks worried the Medici's, the in Italy, quite well known for their exceeding wizards and witches in the family. Therefore they moved to America in hope for more safety.

Although the Auror could be quite a cocky man, he didn't liked to be reminded of his family, mostly because he wanted to prove himself as Alforno and not as a Medici. 'It's good to see you alive and well' and gave Percival a small pat on his shoulder. 'Where are the ladies?' Alforno asked looking towards the others in the room 'They'll come, let's get seated' Seraphina sat down, the others followed and took their own seats around the main table. Seraphina at the head of the table with Terry on her left and one empty chair on her other side. On the right of the table the three male seated themselves, Alforno, Graves and Welch.

The last three younger female Aurors, entered together ending their chat once they saw Percival sitting at the table in front of them 'Graves, you never seem to amaze me' one of the three spoke up, which was Regina Ferrero. She smiled wildly at Percival before taking her seat across Alforno. The Latina, who'd grown up in Mexico, was exceptionally good at charms, but was less liked by her officials as she often cursed in Spanish just to get away with it.

Serpahina looked up towards Kajika Begaye as she nodded towards before sitting down at the table across from Graves. The young Auror was only recently assigned, but her outstanding performances in Stealth and Concealment. Kajika was a descendent of an old Native-American wizarding family, some of her elders still used ancient magic, what has long been forgotten by the modern wizarding world. At birth her elders named her Kajika, which meant Walking without sound in their original tribe language. Apparently they'd predicted Kajika's skills in a quite early stage and, with no surprise, Kajika was the best of Ilvermony in Divination. The girl didn't talk much, but her position as Auror was essential. Kajika only nodded towards Percival, who returned it. The both of them had probably only met a few times as Kajika was still in training before Percival disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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