Two houses

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"Ron, I know what I heard!"

"Hermione, why would Harry hit Draco? He loves that boy more than he probably should!"

"Why don't you tell me, Ron?" She snapped. "You are the one who goes out drinking with him all the time, and doesn't come back till the morning! Do you know how scared that leaves Draco!?"

Hermione and Rons words flew across the kitchen of their home, which they built not far from the burrow.

"Listen Mione, I think we should just leave it alone, alright! They seem perfectly happy, and so does Scorp."

"People can pretend, Ronald. Harry hit Draco. He MUST have been drunk, because Harry loves that boy so much. And you are the one who goes out and drinks with him, so no, we are not leaving it alone."

Ron sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, sweeping strands of wild red hair out of his eyes.
He turned and slowly left the room, walking into the rest of the darkened house.

Left standing there with tears threatening to spill, Hermione sighed deeply and sat down on a patched couch, putting her face in her hands.
Why could things never be easy when it came to them?

She soon fell asleep on the worn couch, though anything but peaceful.



Draco yawned. "Yes sweetie?" He asked happily.

"Are you good?"

"What do you mean, baby?"

"When you took that nappie, daddy seemed really worried."

Draco bit his lip. "Yes sweetie, I'm good. Everything is okay."

"Okay." Scorp smiled and crawled up onto the couch and onto Draco's chest. "Cuddles?"

"Of course sweetie." Draco smiled and kissed the soft blonde hair on the smaller head.

Having gotten work off for the week because of Draco, Harry was home and heard Draco and Scorpius talking in the other room.

He walked in and smiled at the sight.

"Daddy!" Scorpius squeaked happily.

Harry grinned widely as he walked over to them and kissed Draco's lips quickly, them the top of his sons head.

"Hey guys." He smiled, sitting next to them and holding Draco's hand, making the slim blonde smile up at him.

Soon it was bed time for Scorpius, and Harry and Draco carried him to bed and tucked him in, reading him a story from his favorite book,  'Tales of Beedle the Bard', kissed him gently on the forehead, and quietly left the room.

Harry scooped up Draco, causing the blonde to squeak in surprise.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Draco giggled a bit.

"Showing you how much I love you." He pet behind Draco's soft ears, making them twitch in pleasure and purr loudly, nuzzling his head into Harry's chest, his tail curling around Harry's other arm.

Sitting down on one of the couches in their cozy living room, Harry continued to hold Draco and pet him happily.

"I love you so much, kitten."

Draco giggled. "I love you more...."

"Not possible."

"Is so!"

"Nuh uh!" Harry tickled Draco's sides slightly, causing a sweet giggle to leave the blondes mouth.

"No tickling!" Draco whined and smiled.

"Fine..." Harry grinned and leaned down, capturing Draco's soft lips in a sweet kiss.

Draco kissed back and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, deepening the kiss.

Pulling away softly and yawning slightly, Draco giggled and looked up at Harry.

"Can we go to bed now? I'm sleepy...."

"Of course, kitten." Harry smiled and kissed Draco's forehead, carrying the smaller boy to their bedroom.

"Goodnight, love."


Hi! So, I decided that I wanted to bring back some of Draco's kitten behavior, not wanting to stray too far from the original book.
I hope you enjoyed, remember to vote and comment!

A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now