The End.

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Dear god, where am I?

Harry's eyes squeezed shut before slowly cracking open, the light piercing his gaze.
His hazy eyes were soon met with the sight of his husband sleeping next to him, both their bodies lying on the Granger-Weasleys couch, tucked in under a warm blanket knitted by Molly.

Feeling a shard blast of pain shoot through his head behind his eyes, he regretfully remembered the night that before. Squeezing his eyes shut, he held onto Draco closely.

"I am so sorry." Harry said in a mumbled whispered, his face buried in Draco's soft hair.
Draco's sleeping body wrapped its arms around Harry, instinct wanting him closer.

As Draco slowly came out of his slumber and into consciousness, he knew that the warm body holding him was Harry. And he wouldn't want it to be anybody else. He didn't want to disturb the moment, so his eyes remained closed, though he did nuzzle closer to his husband.

"I love you so much Draco. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I love you so much..." Harry cried quietly.

"I know." Draco looked up, his eyes meeting Harry's, staring into them with too many emotions to list.
Draco leaned up as captured Harry's lips with his own, holding him tighter than ever before.
When their lips slowly peeled apart so they could breathe, Draco and Harry's arms only tightened.
"I missed you so much." Harry whispered.
"I missed you more than anything." Draco nodded and kissed him gently again.

"I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you Draco.... I'm such a screw up-"

Draco's hands gently stroked Harry's cheeks. "You are so beautiful." He traced his lips and his lighting scar with his long pale finger.

"Your eyes are light dark emerald that gleam in the sun, your well tanned skin, the slight stubble that's sprinkled over your well defined jaw." Draco began. "Your kind heart, your selfless personality. You are the man I choose to love. You are the man I choose to marry. And that will never change. I love you Harry Potter.

"I love you Draco Malfoy.

"I love you, even with all your secrets."


A love that lingers (Sequel to 'Secrets')Where stories live. Discover now