A chance for escape?

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Still Leah's POV below
I heard some footsteps creep around the room "You can't hide forever." A voice whispered. I had never heard the voice before and it wasnt Courtney's or abbeys. I head a faint laugh, my heart beat grew faster.

"Leave me alone!" Abbey screamed. I shot from behind the drawer and ran to the bookcase, she was already gone. "Oh fuck, they've taken her" I said. "Shit!" I screamed and kicked the bookcase. It tumbled down and I screamed and dodged out of the way. I panted and pulled myself off the floor.

I felt someone pull my hair back and pull me, I kicked "Get the fuck off!" I screeched. "Shut up!" Courtney responded. She pulled me into the chair and tied down my hands. I quickly began to pull and struggle to try and get out.

Abbeys POV below
I screamed as the strange girl pushed me back onto the bed holding my hands behind my back. "Not this time!" I cried out and forced her off me, I wrestled her to the ground and punched her in the stomach, she lay on the ground and I got up and ran to the big steel board and picked up some rope. I ran back to her, she was just getting up I kicked her back down and tied her hands with the rope as quick as I could.

I ran out of the door and sped down the hallway, I burst into the room I was dragged from and I was greeted by Leah strapped to the chair, there was nobody else in sight. "Leah?" I whispered. She looked up at me and her eyes went wide with fear. "Abbey look out!" She yelled.

I felt a hand wrap around my throat from behind. "No!" Leah shouted. I was slammed to the ground and I blacked out.

Leah's POV below
"You knocked her unconscious you sick fuck" I screamed at Courtney.

"Now, where were we?" She responded. "Oh yes, you lost the bet."

"No I didn't, I found Abbey, so now you have to let us both go." I said.

Courtney laughed.

"Why did you think I was gonna play fair? Ill give you a clue to find your friend, look behind you." She said.

I looked behind and Abbey lay unconscious on the floor, she was tied up and her hair covered her face. I shook my head and turned to face Courtney again.

"Now, you die." She hissed at me and walked away. I heard the door close, she must of gone to get her knives and other torture devices. I breathed heavily and stared at the roaring fire in front of me.

"I need to get out of here." I whispered, I turned and glanced at Abbey. "Abbey" I said "Please get up". There was movement. She shook her head. "Abbey please" I said. I opened her eyes. "Abbey quick untie me."

She slowly stumbled up, her eyes were half open and her hair drooping all over the place, there was a trickle of blood dripping out of her mouth, I could hear her heavy breaths as she stumbled towards me, she groaned with each stepped and stumbled to the side, panting, she looked as if she was about to drop dead. She came over and untied me, I jumped up out of the chair and quickly grabbed her hand.

"come on!" I bellowed, we ran out of the room and headed straight for the front door, I kicked down the door and ran outside, I had not seen any light for a while and held a hand to the sunlight but kept moving, Abbey was trailing behind me, she was clearly on her last leg and was about to fall unconscious again.

My car was parked outside I yanked the door open and lay Abbey in the back seat. I slammed the door and got into the car and turned the key rapidly.

"Get back here!!" Courtney screamed as she ran out the door right towards the car. I freaked out and slammed on the brakes, the car drifted back and I accelerated forwards and drove straight down the road. I could hear Abbeys grumbling, I looked back and she was pale, blood still dripping from her mouth she was completely still and her eyes were shut tight.

"Hang in there Abbey." I whispered and stepped on the gas harder, picking up the speed and speeding down the road at remarkable speed. I kept driving and Checked back on Abbey every once in a while, she was asleep. I drove right back to our apartment and walked her upstairs, I got her into her bed and tucked her in and sighed. I suspected she was poisoned and would call a doctor in the morning, but for now she should rest. I slowly shut her bedroom door and walked out to the balcony, I looked out at the city lights.

Things were back to normal.

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