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It was recess time at the local elementary school in Mystic Falls. All the little second graders were running around and playing on everything. A little girl was swinging on the swings laughing at something her sister said. They both got off the swings and walked over to the monkey bars. When they got there, they saw a boy sitting there without any friends near. The younger girl of the two walked up to him and sat next to him. The older sibling saw that her sister had it covered and went to talk to her brown haired friend.

The young little girl grabbed the boys and pulled him up and dragged him over to the seesaw. She sat down on on side and waited for him to get on. He hesitated but slowly got on the other side of the seesaw. The girl pushed off the ground and went flying upward while the boy went falling down. After about five more times the brown haired boy started laughing and smiling along with the girl.

That day a new friendship was born and would last forever.

Four Years Later - Alisha's POV

"Come on Ty we're going to be late!" I yelled to my best friend from the bottom of his stairs.

"Coming Ali!" He yelled back tripping over his untied shoe laces and falling down the last few steps of the stairs.

He got up and acted like nothing happened trying to act cool.

"Your a dork, you know that right?" I asked him walking towards the front door.

"I'm not a dork, if anyone is a dork it's you." I laughed at his comment then we said a quick goodbye to his mom.

"Sure, come on we got to get to school." I said walking out the door and down the street with Tyler by my side.

I have a free period while Tyler's in English. I was planning on going to the art room to pick up my assignment. Friday I left it in the art room when I left to go to math.

I was on my way to the art room when I ran straight into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" I heard a boys voice but didn't look up.

"Oh no it's totally my fault, I was looking where I was going" I said looking up to see a brown haired boy that I knew as Elena's little brother, Jeremy Gilbert.

" Your Alisha right?" He asked me before I nodded my head to say 'yes'.

"Yeah, and your Elena's brother" I replied sounding a bit rude.

"Um, yeah, Elena's brother, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, totally, see you later Jeremy." His head popped up as if he was surprised but he kept on walking.

School was over and I was walking home alone because Tyler had to stay at school. He had to help the English teacher grade papers because he was caught doing something bad, I'm guessing. He's being the usual Tyler.

I got home and saw Caroline in her room talking to Elena and someone on her phone. Elena looked up and saw me and waved, I waved back and went to my room.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my book 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' and started reading.

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