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Mystic Grill-Alexis's POV

"Ugh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?"

"Yeah" Me and Bonnie said at the same time.

"Excuse me. Hi." Stefan said once he reached us.

"Hi." Bonnie said.

"Um, have you guys seen Elena?"

"I think she went home. I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her..."I said so"." Bonnie handed him a piece of paper and let out a small gasp.

"Thank you."

"You ok?"

"What happened to you? That's so rude. I'm sorry. Excuse me." Bonnie said getting up and walking away.

"Yeah, she kind of wigs out. It's like her thing." Caroline said as she got out of the booth to go get Bonnie.

Once Car was gone Stefan asked me a question.

"Is she a-"

"-witch?" He nodded then I nodded and continued.

"Bennett witch, but she doesn't know it." He nodded and left.

"Car, where you going?"

"Home." She said walking out the door with me following.

"Don't you need the keys for that?" I pulled them out of my pocket and held them up.

"Right." She walked up to me about to grab them when I pulled them back.

"Did you drink?" I asked looking behind her for a second to find Damon standing there in the shadows.

"No, mom, anyways I'm older, shouldn't you be following my rules."

"By five minutes Car, fine have them." I handed them over to her.

"Thank you....Alex." She said using my nickname, horrible nickname.

"Do NOT call me that!" I screamed not wanting Damon to hear.

"OK, see you at the house." She said as I walked back into the grill.

Forbes Residence-Alexis's POV 

I got home to find the car not here, weird. 

I went inside and went to talk to Car. I walked up to her room and was about to open the door when I heard something. I listened for a second more before running to my room and opened my window. I never thought I would hear that, gross. While I was next to Caroline's door I heard moaning.

Yep, I'm leaving. I grabbed my car keys and leaped out the front door. I ran to my car and hopped inside. I started my car and thought of places I could go...Ty.

I turned on the radio about halfway there.

'And if you wanna keep me, then you better treat me

Like a damn princess, make that an empress

'Cause I'm so done, not being your number one

This superficial love'

I turned the radio down as I mad it to his house. I turned off my car and walked to the side of his house. I pulled out my phone and clicked on his name.



What you doin?

Not a second later I got a reply.



Nothing, just at home.

I looked at the ground around me and luckily there was a rock. I picked it up and threw it at his window, luckily it didn't break. After a few seconds I heard my phone buzz.



Come up, use the window.

I smiled to myself and started climbing. I was at the top after a few minutes. I got there to find the window open and Ty staring at me holding an Xbox controller .

"I was in the middle of a game."

"I see, good thing my presence make up for taking you time away." I said dramatically .

"Now, can I get back to my game?" He complained.

"I don't know, can you?" I said walking closer to him.

"Stop distracting me."

"What, me?, I'm not distracting you, I'm simply walking." I said stopping right in front of him.

"Ali..." He said grabbing my waist. OK, maybe we had a thing, we mostly would hook up, you could call us friends with benefits.

"What?" I asked moving my head closer to his.

His hands moved farther onto my back so I was closer to him. 

"Know do you want to get back yo your game?" I gave him a look as he glanced down at my lips and back up to my eyes.

"So...what do yo-" I was cut off by him crashing his lips onto mine.

I put my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, if that was possibly. We walked over to his bed and I pushed him down. I got down and started kissing him again. You can probably guess what happened next.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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