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I had no idea what to expect behind the sliding silver door, but I was just hoping it wasn't a room lined with plastic mats. Hoping that the absolute worst this curly-haired stranger could be is a mild pervert, and not some deranged psychopath eager to fillet me Dexter-style.

I pinched myself. Awake. Dammit.

Before me was a sight both strange and spectacular. The expansive area was entirely white with clear walls and doors, allowing visual access to every room. To the left, there was an enormous gymnasium where 2 men could be seen sparring.

"Welcome!" A voice way too peppy for past midnight startled me, but its origin made her presence known. She was a lot taller than me and beautiful with coffee-brown skin and incredible curls. Oh, and there were 6 of her.

"I've been waiting to meet you, Kat Archer! I'm so glad you're finally here!" the one in front excitedly spoke.

"Thank you so much, but where is here exactly? And are they your sisters?"

"Oh!" she raised her brows as if she forgot, and the 5 identical clones faded to nothing, leaving behind just one beautiful, endearing girl. "I would like to think of them as my sisters, but they can't ever seem to think an original thought. It's like we're all the same person," she winked.

"Dahlia are you gonna get on with it or what? I've got shit to do in the morning," the impatient boy spat.

She rolled her eyes and focused her attention on me. "Excuse Harry. He can be a bit of a hot-head."

The boy exhaled aggressively, making the air around us sizzle and bake. Were those flames at the tips of his hair? I must be suffering from exhaustion. This is all just too weird.

He walked off and plopped down on one of white leather couches nearby. "Just wake me up when you two are through chatting. Or even better, wait for Robin to get through with his pissing contest with Liam, and he can take her home."

"He acts like everything is an inconvenience for him. But at least he's smart. And pretty hot when his entire body isn't on fire. But I guess that's when he's really hot," she chuckled sweetly, perhaps expecting me to laugh along, but I was too riddled with unanswered questions to pay her any mind.

"Where am I?" I asserted myself a little more this time, hoping for no more distractions.

She looked at me with apologetic eyes. "As you've guessed by now, we're all a bit different here. You might have heard gossip about people with superhuman abilities out fighting crime and saving the day, and of course no credible news station is going to cover those stories. But in reality, there are people just like us everywhere!"

"People like us?"

"Meta-humans, mutants, abnormals, super-powered beings, whatever you'd like to call it. We call ourselves Deviants."

"You think I'm a deviant?"

"Well don't get me wrong, you are absolutely stunning, but I don't think you woke up this morning with those pretty pink eyes," she playfully giggled.

Everyone here is nuts.

I hid my internal anxiety and returned her a warm smile. She was, after all, one of the sweetest people I'd ever met, despite all the peculiar things she's said to me thus far. But deep-down, I knew she was being truthful.

"I know it's a lot to take in, so I'll try to give it all to you straight so you have time to process," she continued.

"This is Dr. Remington's Evolutionary Deviant College. Dr. Rem is head of the chemical engineering department, but he's also a scientist and a Deviant himself. He discovered his abilities when he was young and has been doing extensive research on the topic ever since. There have been 4 known generations of humans born with mutated DNA, and he is a part of the Chi generation. Those are our current crime fighters - the seasoned vets who have full control of their powers.
We, on the other hand, are still learning to use our abilities to their full potential while unlocking new latent ones. We hope one day to find a Deviant who's power is bestowal so that they can jump-start our unknown powers for us, but until then, we do so by going through a series of Stress Tests. Lol they're not fun. But what is fun is the team-building and training missions we get to go on. Dr. Rem's goal for us is to become the next generation of evolutionary heroes.
We are Generation Delta."

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