In the mid of the afternoon they were on the shore ready to sail back on the other side but before sailing back Yuhi gave each one of them a slap in the back to congratulate them, He granted each one a chance to fulfil one wish at the feast that night, What was Lenient supposed to wish that Yuhi can grant? Precisely I don't think Lenient had something to wish in that world for that the only thing he was missing was the frivolity of his age, the eroticism of his girlfriend and the scepticism of his friends leading to unending quarrel during Saturday book clubs, anyway at that moment they sailed till the other side but at their arrival everyone was gnashing their teeth as if there was some sort of malevolence casted upon them and that's when Lenient saw some two archers whom he saw yesterday in Kanyarwanda's infantry whispering something to Yuhi and then Yuhi went with them ,Lenient tried to ask what happened but nobody could dare reply him instead they incited him to do whatever he want as if he was born yesterday but he went on to ask himself what could tick such kind of wrath? It was clear that they didn't want to share it with him, why should Lenient keep hankering after them? But well, that was the time to stop banging his head against the brick of wall and try to do something with his current situation despite the fact that he deliberately did everything for them.
As he sat there on the strand as if he was left holding a baby ,all of a sudden he saw three boys near the lake, singing and frolicking for their cattle; where Lenient come his grandmother used to say that it's like a ballad but sang with an intonation to narrate the goodness of cattle; so Lenient gazed at them in silence for a moment and he saw their cows swigging in the lake and then he made a kind gesture with his hands to salute those boys but to be frank the first things he heard them saying in a taunting manner was:
"Wear thin boy, get up and cast-off all shades of sloth, Think twice and sharpen your mind or someone will twist your arm"
"Obviously I tell you something my friend, that's like flogging a dead cow; A doomed boy is no moron ,and Lenient was acting obsequiously to obtain favour so why judging him as if they have been in his shoes, "If you please I have to get ready to fish for its now the dying of the day" Lenient replied
"What's that mean?"
"If I tell you, will you tell me what happened?
"Okay, regardless of all this, the next time you shall implore me."
At that instant a spearman from Yuhi's infantry whom Lenient was left with early today, tottered toward them and he imparted information saying that abruptly Kanyarwanda allotted the drum, but like me, you may start wondering what's so momentously about that. well that's the king's way of turning up his toes my reader; its prohibited to say that's the king died; meanwhile At first, the three boys blatantly started mourning which made Lenient realize that they didn't had a damn about what was going on and as for Lenient, he was desolated to hear his death cause when he was young, he was always perused obsessively by the annals of his country and he knew that Gihanga was a man of character, a rationally warrior ,even though he learned his eeriness in a recital but while I say this ,Lenient met him, it was perturbing but by fate's sake he met him.
All this doleful experience may make one start living with a cheerful alacrity; think of it my reader, one day you wake up in a hinterland, and you start wondering if everything is an hallucination or a daymare and then later you consciously find yourself castaway in the bygone saga of your people without even an assimilationist to help you, What will you do my reader? Indulge in or nod off? And as a further matter, one has to regard life as guerdon amid the enigmatical of this world.
It was already the onset of the night and Lenient have forgotten that he swallowed nothing since morning; as he sat down with his four listless friends, he asked them if they want something to ingest and they said yes but first they had to look for an ember to start a fire; after some seconds his friend was there with the ember and they started igniting a big fire and then he took a piece of log with a flame on and directly he put his boat afloat with the spearman from Yuhi's infantrymen for he was going to need his spear ,with the light from their flame ,fish started to arose from the upper surface and lenient started using tricks that he learnt in a boy scout camp ,they taught him that fish appear higher in the line of sight than they are and then he took the spear and he started to aim by one with the raider giving each one of it a sharp blow behind their heads ; Within twenty minutes they were back on the strand with ten fish, how glad lenient was to find invaluable friends to share his supper with but on the other hand they took him aback when they asked if they had to eat those fish straight away; it was delirious or a lack of fishing lore, I suppose. Anyway next Lenient and the spearman started gutting those fish, then after they went on to throw all the removed guts in the lake and last the shepherds said they could help in broiling the fish over the embers of fire, anyway Lenient had to avow that he didn't knew how to do that, But worse still, in some seconds the fish were burning and the shepherds started getting on him saying that it was futile to cook those aquatic toad, "what are you saying! A toad! Firstly, this is not a toad guys, this is a fish, and second, let me show you how to broil it" Lenient replied and the least he could was to place the skewer into the body cavity of the fish and push it out through the mouth of the fish and then place it over the embers of fire; and by chance all the fish was cooked and it was mouth-watering, even Scuppy started to look like a glutton.
At a later time: after eating hurriedly, Lenient and his friends went on yakking, it sounds funny but they all started belittling, not for the fishing lore but for having failed to enliven the heart of some girls in the tribe but my reader; how Jove to find out that males everywhere after getting sate they all start reckoning on females. Well, my reader as long as they don't throw caution to the winds, who cares? Anyway back from his friend everything was becoming charming ,very polite, friendly and likeable; the spearman was very garrulous, while the shepherds were calm listening attentively, one shepherd said that to think about his girl beguiles his mind, while the spearman said that to think about his girl kick him out of his damn three, another shepherd said that he takes delight in serving her family and the last shepherd said that she madden him; and thereof, all of them have been hitherto frivolously in their longing, but which kind of girls would fain sweet on a sheepish boy? To be sure, Lenient asked them to go and tell one of those girls that one of them was in love with her and maybe they can see how she can laugh at him like a drain; and after all, the imperious of femininity put males on the spot, yes it's true that feminine elate us but they also alter us, sometimes they slander us and other times they boost us but once we sees any of that, we change completely ,so why not put an end to those coyness and tell them from the very first time they behold them what's vexing them, and as far as Lenient didn't know, he asked them what was making them scoff at themselves and then at first, all the shepherds said that they were underprivileged and for that reason there was no way to follow their heart, As to the spearman he said ,he was just a drudge in thrall to his majesty, And now, guess what? The spearman couldn't follow his heart too, but what's that? A scrutiny! Or a figment, through and through we don't know how they may react; thereon why not give it a whirl? Ere my girlfriend used to tell me that a man with a whyfor is always a victor, for all things decay but a reason is ever profuse, and I felt that it was true just like how lenient felt when he asked them to be rational and reminding them that they don't need to employ some chicanery, He said and repeated to them "go check on your loved ones and strut your stuff, let love be your pride and joy."
In Lenient opinion, they were yakking but for them it was a strenuous conversation, and may be it were at first, but Now they started to get on his nerves, First off, they were whooping and second he couldn't stand their cupidity, it was as if they have nothing to be grateful at and in short, that mode of wanting more is a vain boost and it leads to a fatal chase; so Lenient reminded his friend to be grateful, lively and playful while they are still alive, for the rest makes no odds.
As Lenient looked in the sky, it was close to midnight or already midnight, it was so dark and everything was great till the cows started spurting incessantly and by the time Lenient dog started to bark and Lenient was already running as fast as he could , and the more he run the more his suspicions that it was a beast seemed to increase; After getting afar, he winced at his back to see if he was right and he saw many spearmen speeding up toward where the cows were running from, and then curiosity bore him down and he paused to look clearly what was happening and then when the cows was already in his back, he saw those spearmen scurrying out from side to side of the bank of the river and his heart start pounding , beside apparently after considering several options about why scuppy barked or why the cows spurted ,It seemed as if he was missing somethings ,which is why? But as he slowly quieted himself to think a moment, Lenient suddenly heard a purring sound and then he turned to see what that was, and at first glance he easily spotted a rosette big cat ; It was clear the big cat was glaring at him but was it? And how was he supposed to know when at that time he directly blacked out.
Historical FictionAnd if this be Past, Let it be a wheeze to the Present For to think back make the plot thickens Let me Rule the roost and Let bygones be bygones Deal the rough with the smooth for everything in the present is rosy And the afterlife is a crock of gold