Dollface (Keana)

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Remember most of these are friendship based so even if you ship Sokeefe, Tiana or Diana still feel free to read!  

     I arrived at the blinding gate protecting Everglen. Life is normal again. Well... as normal it gets when your friends with Mysterious Miss F. and you just came back from deep undercover mission. The gates finally opened, revealing the grand estate of Everglen. I stroll slowly through the grass. I'm in no rush to go apologize to Fitz. Let me rephrase that, I'm in no rush to get screamed at and maybe punched at by Fitz. Unfortunately, I don't get loss on my way to the door or devoured by a dinosaur, and I finally make my way to the doorstep. I knock. Oh boy, I'll be lucky if he slams the door in my face at this point. I've even made a list of all the reasons he would be mad at me.

1. Forgetting to tell him about the slime I hid before I knew we were joining the Black Swan

2. Hurting Sophie (Maybe I should put this as number 1)

3. Betraying him

4. Hurting/scaring him (Even if won't admit it)

5.  etc... (this list goes on forever)

No one has answered yet, maybe I should just go home... I start to turn around when I hear someone rushing down the stairs. I take a deep breath, as the door opens to reveal... Biana?

Her hair isn't in perfect curls, her make up isn't on, and she's wearing army green pants and a cream t-shirt loosely tucked in instead of a fancy dress. Her eyelashes are wet, and they are tear marks on her cheeks. She's been crying. She runs her hand through her hair like her brother often does, and discreetly rubs her eyes.

"Hi, can I help you?" she asks coldly. Suddenly a truck load of guilt hits me, as I realize I hurt her too. I'm always forgetting about her, and it isn't really fair. Your big brother's BFF is suppose to be like an extra big brother... I think.

"You're here to see Fitz aren't you?" She continues, since I've just been standing there like an idiot for the past minute.

"Um... yea-no, I- um," Why am I so nervous all a sudden. You don't have to be an empath to see that she's annoyed and impatient, "I came here to apologize,"

She raises an eyebrow, "To my brother? He isn't here. He's with dad."

"Yeah, I mean no, to you, or both of you, I guess," I said. She looks me up and down. I feel like a bug in a jar, squirming, and like any other bug, she hates me and is disgusted by my very existence. She probably would really want to drop me, and then squash me, but she settles with just putting me as far away from her as possible. Woah, kind of got carried away in the metaphor there. She sighs and reluctantly lets me in. I sit down on the couch. She sits on the one across from me. She crosses her arms, "Well, I'd like to get this started by the end of today, if that's okay with you,"

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I was prepared to face an angry Fitz who would start the argument/apology, not whatever girl is sitting in front of me, because whoever she is, she isn't the Biana I knew. But did I ever really know her? No, I never really talked to her alone, or that much at all for that matter.

"Sorry," I say, that's really all I have to say. She barely moves, an awkward moment passes.

"Good chat. If that's all you have to say, there's the door." She said pointing at ,well, the door.

I don't know what to do so I get up and start heading toward the door, but before I have a chance I hear Della coming down the stairs.

"Sweetheart? Who was at the door?" As soon as Della came into sight, Biana smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Keefe!" She ran down the stairs and tackled me with a hug as she saw me, "Oh, I'm so glad you're safe! I've missed you so much!" I hug her back tightly, not caring that she's cutting off my flow of oxygen. As soon as I touch her I'm with flooded with warm happy, relieved emotions. "This deserves Mallowmelt. Come in the kitchen you two, I'll get you some."

I sit down on the stool, as Della flickers in and out of sight cabinet to cabinet. I look over at Biana who still has a picture perfect smile plastered to her face.

"Mom, I'm gonna go change. Call me down whenever they are ready," she leaves without ever looking at me. Della and I chat, she doesn't bring up the Neverseen or anything like that. We laugh, and remember dumb stuff Fitz and I have done. Della is like the mother I never had (because honestly my mom, isn't a mom at all). When Biana comes down the stairs again, she's all curly hair and rosy cheeks again. That dumb smile still on her lips.

"Perfect timing honey! I just got them out of the oven. Well I have to go now, I promised Edaline I would meet her in Atlantis in five minutes. Hail me if anything happens, okay? Keefe try not to destroy the house while I'm gone," She says with a wink, and vanishes.

I stuff a pastry into my mouth.

"This is delicious," I swallow barely chewing. Biana just nods, she isn't smiling anymore,slowly chewing each bite. I stop eating. Did I really anger and/or hurt and/or scare her that much? I was a double agent for crying out loud! Not a traitor! Suddenly something hits me, again. She didn't know that. Her brother just betrayed her, and suddenly so do I for all she knows. 

"Look, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have done that," I say, trying again, because in all honesty my last apology was pathetic. Her eyes begin to fill with tears but she remains perfectly still, I can't stop talking, "You already have Alvar, the last thing you need is me confusing and scaring you. Your brother is probably furious..." I realize she began to fade. Tears slowly one by one slide down her cheeks, but her make up still remained intact. 

She's like a doll that's been living on the highest shelf her entire life. She's protected and never roughed up, but from the ground you can't see the duct collecting, or the small cracks that begin to form, you can only see the smile and the silk dress she's wearing, or stop to notice that no one else is up there. (Geese I'm on a roll with these metaphors today, I better slow down, I wouldn't want to become a poet, that would cramp my style).

 "I know you've been through a lot, we've all been through a lot, I've put you through a lot," I really do need to stop talking, I feel like I'm conjugating a verb or something. Now, she's faded so much I can see through her. "I just want you to know I'm sorry," Her almost translucent mascara is dripping. I can't stand to see her like this. I've never actually seen her cry. I've seen her eyes puffy, she has pouted, screamed when she got hurt but never actually teared up in front of me. I go over and hug her. She clings to me and sobs into my shoulder. Slowly I can see Biana again. 

Everyone is kind of OOC in this. I kind of wanted to add more depth to Biana but it didn't turn out perfectly. I also want to point out Keana is an awesome ship name (in my opinion). 

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