Chapter 3. The restaurant

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Some later Suzy walked to her mum, who was reading the newspaper. It was evening and Suzy thought why her mum wasn’t making anything for dinner. So she asked. “Well,” answered her mum. “I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to eat in a restaurant today?” Suzy was confused. Normally they didn’t ate in a restaurant! “Why?” she asked. “Well, just…because I like it! And I know you like it too. You may choose, darling.” Suzy felt weird. Eating in a restaurant? And her mum also made a cake… Was she trying to make her fat? “Uh… I don’t know a good one…” She looked at her mum. “You can choose. It was your idea.” Her mum shook her head. “No, I want you to choose.” Suzy sighed. She didn’t want to have a word with her mum about something that usually had to be nice. “Okay…I’ll choose.” she said. Her mum smiled a bit. “So where are we going to eat?”

Later on both sat in the chosen restaurant. The waiter came. “Do the ladies want something to drink?” Suzy and Kelly nodded. “Yes, please,” Kelly answered. “I would like to have a red wine.” Suzy laughed. “Well, well mum. I would like to have an Coca, please.” The waiter nodded. “Back in a moment!” he said. “Do you already know what you want to have for dinner?” Suzy’s mum asked. “Err…No, not yet. You?” Kelly shook her head. “No.” The waiter came back. “The wine,” he said. “Yes,” Kelly answered. “For me. Thank you.”

“And the Coca,” the waiter said and gave it to Suzy. “Thank you.” The waiter looked at them both. “Already made a choice?” he asked. Suzy and her mum shook their head. “Okay,” answered the waiter. “I’ll come back later!” Suzy turned her bottle. Her mum took a nip of her wine, so she wasn’t looking at her daughter. Suzy turned her bottle, and kept turning it for a while. Then she started to read the back. ‘Let’s see what’s in there…” she thought. ‘140 kilocalories?! That’s much!’ But she did drink it. Because otherwise her mum would think, ‘What’s she doing?? Why doesn’t she just drink up the Coca?’. And, they were in a restaurant, so she couldn’t don’t eat her food. “ I’m going to take the spare-ribs,” her mum said. “Spare-ribs?” Suzy laughed. “You never eat meat!” Kelly laughed too. “No, so I want to try it!” Now Suzy was getting a bit curious. “Why didn’t you eat meat until now, then? I thought you were vegetarian.” But Kelly didn’t answer. “I’m going to take the spare-ribs. What do you want?” It was quiet at the table for a moment. ‘I don’t want anything,’ Suzy thought. “Well…” she said. “I think I’ll take the…” Her mum looked at her. Suzy looked at her menu card. “I’ll take the..” She still didn’t know. ‘What’s having the less kilocalories?’ she thought. No meat, no pasta… “I’ll take the pizza Margarita.” That was a good choice, in the eyes of Suzy. ‘Yes, in a pizza without anything on it there cannot be too much kilocalories!’ Kelly looked at her daughter. “Are you sure?” she asked. Suzy nodded. “Yes, completely sure. I like pizza’s.” Kelly nodded. “Okay, didn’t know that…” The waiter came again. “So, do we’ve made a choice, ladies?” Now they both nodded. “Yes,” her mum answered. “I would like to have the spare-ribs.” The waiter wrote it down and looked at Suzy. “And for me the pizza Margarita, please.” The waiter nodded friendly. “Okay, I’ll say it to our chef and he’ll make it for you!” Suzy looked at the waiter while he was walking away. ‘As he said it, it looked like food was a treat…’ she thought. ‘No. I need to be strong. I may not eat too much. I am too fat,’ she thought.

Some later the waiter came again and brought the food to Kelly and Suzy. “One portion spare-ribs for madam, and a pizza Margarita for our young lady. Here you are.”

“Thank you,” they both said. “Do the ladies want something to drink?” he asked. “Yes, I would like to have another wine, please,” Kelly said. “And I would like to have Spa red please,” Suzy said to the waiter. Kelly looked at her daughter. “Water?” she asked. Suzy nodded. “Yes. Again red wine?” she asked with emphasize on the word again. Her mum sighed. “Have a good meal,” she said. “You too,” Suzy replied. Suzy looked at her pizza. ‘O my days, this looks terrible!’ Also her mum looked at her meat. ‘Why have I chosen meat? I never eat meat!’  Then they looked at each other. And back to their food. “Have a good meal,” Suzy said sarcastic. Her mum Kelly started to laugh. She tried to get some meat of her spare-ribs. “Uh… How do you get the meat of the bones…?” she asked to Suzy. Kelly’s daughter laughed and grabbed her mother’s plate. “Here, like this. You have to cut it with your knife. See?” She gave the plate with the spare-ribs back to her mom. The waiter served their drinks and saw that Suzy gave the plate back to Kelly. “Shall I help you?” he asked. Suzy grinned, but tried to hide it by putting her hand over her mouth. “Yes, please,” Kelly replied. “I’m sorry, but I’ve never had spare-ribs before..!” The waiter nodded friendly. “I’ll cut it for you,” he said. “Thank you,” Kelly said to the waiter. She laughed at Suzy. Her daughter was looking at her pizza. She heard her stomach making noise. She was hungry. But she couldn’t get the pizza through her mouth…So she looked around. The waiter was still buzzy with her mum, cutting the meat. The restaurant was actually pretty nice and shining. It seemed to be a good one. Suzy put her knife into the pizza and cut a piece of. Slowly she brought it to her mouth, and ate it. It was actually delicious. ‘Why do I actually don’t want to eat? I just ate a piece of cake in the morning!’ she thought. But another voice in her head said. ‘Because from now on you aren’t going to eat anymore! You are too fat, and you know!’ Suzy sighted. ‘Stop making noise in my head!’ she said to them both. ‘I won’t listen to you two.’ She heard a laugh in her head. ‘Sure you will. We are you! You don’t have a choice, Suzy.’ Suzy looked around. No one was talking to her. So it was in her head. She heard the waiter talking to her mum. “So, all the meat is off the bones, madam! Have a good meal.”

“Thank you,” Kelly replied. She started to eat. “That was a friendly waiter,” she said to Suzy. Suzy nodded. “Yes, sure he was.” She looked to hear mum and gave away a friendly smile. Then she looked back at her pizza. The voices in her head started again talking. She heard two, actually three including ‘herself’. One was just how she was, always been. The other was new. But that one was the strongest. And really that one was against food. Suzy sighted. ‘What’s up?’ a voice said. Suzy tried to hear which of the two it was, but they had the same voice. ‘Why can’t I just eat this pizza? It’s delicious!’ Suzy thought. Now she clearly heard the other voice. ‘As I said, because you are too fat,’ the voice replied. Suzy shook her head. ‘I’m not!’ But actually she started to think she was. Still, she started to eat the pizza, ignoring the voices. She was hungry and wanted to eat, no matter what the voices said. Then she saw her mum was looking a bit weird at her. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Nothing,” Suzy replied with her mouth filled with food. “I’m hungry, you know.” Her mum frowned. “That wasn’t exactly what I meant…” Suzy didn’t react. She needed to eat her pizza until it was gone, before the voices would start again. She ate her pizza and saw her mum was still looking at her. “Have a good meal!” Suzy said. Kelly nodded slowly. “You too.”

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