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hearts were racing. sweaty bodies everywhere, dancing and grinding against each other. loud chatter along with blasting music.

your classic, university party.

jimin was right about the fact that it wasn't anything that seokjin had ever experienced before. it was all so diverse and everyone was more welcoming than what he had expected.

he found himself tipsy, in a room, that wasn't as packed as the actual party outside, chatting and laughing away with a cup in his hand.

he had befriended a guy named taehyung, a 21 year old sophomore and also one of jimin's close friends from back in high school.

seokjin had seen him around campus a few times but never formally spoke to him. he does remember that time they bumped into each other and how taehyung had accidentally spilt water on seokjin's shirt. but it was all good and seokjin hadn't even cared to be fair.

the conversation was quite random, simply getting to know each other. alcohol was spreading through seokjin quite quickly so everything he wanted to say just came naturally.

after a few minutes, hoseok joined the conversation and then more people did until seokjin was surrounded in chatter and it wasn't as overwhelming as he had expected it to be. and somehow he ended up drinking more until his mind was fuzzy.

he was too drunk to even think correctly so he didn't quite notice a hand gripping his wrist and dragging him out the room and into the pulsing party.

and it was when he was standing in the middle of the dance floor that he looked up to see who the person had been. and met eyes with him. seokjin welcomed the hands that were gently guiding his hips to the music, wrapping his own thin arms around the taller's waist and pulling him a bit closer 'til their breaths mixed gracefully. and seokjin inhaled the scent of cigarette smoke and just that musky natural scent of his skin; kim namjoon's skin.

and even in this drunken state, seokjin still took the time to look over namjoon's features and just took in how much the guy had grown. and as his body swayed, he admired the way his gaze just made his knees go weak. and wether he was aware of it or not, seokjin reached up and ran his fingers through the younger's blonde, almost white, hair.

"aren't you that kid that's addicted to sunsets?" said the taller and seokjin simply giggled before raising a teasing eyebrow.

"aren't you that kid that's addicted to drugs?" he slurred and all that was heard from namjoon was a chuckle. and somehow they ended up a little closer, namjoon's lips pressed against the soft skin beneath seokjin's ear. and for some reason seokjin let namjoon do what he wanted. maybe he was too drunk to react or just being this close to him was an experience that he wanted to enjoy for as long as he could.

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