Chapter 4. Here's the plan

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  We were running down the hall when I said “wait guys where are we going?" "I say we head to the gym and barricade ourselfs in there." Brett said. "Good plan" Emily said. 

ten minutes later we turned a corner and found are self’s at the top of the stairs and looked down and I thought “were screwed” at the bottom of the stairs were  five different monsters there was a giant cat with two heads eating a student, I didn’t want to know who it was. There was also a bird watching over them, there was a bear that came into view that had 8 legs with big claws and finally there were two other things that looked like Mr. Morris except one was blue and the other was white. Brett’s mouth dropped “oh my god I think were dead guys” Brett said. The bird heard Brett say that and turned towered us and it screeched at us. All the monsters turned and looked at us and I thought for one moment then said. “Ok Brett take down that bird Sarah and Emily go for the two things that look like Mr. Morris. Scotty get that bear I’ll take the cat GO!” I screamed the last word and that got the monsters to start coming at us. Brett started running backwards with flares to attract the bird. Emily shot the blue Mr. Morris in the eye while Sarah had jumped on the other one and stabbed both her machetes into his back. Scotty shot the bear in its shoulder and jumped over it and landed on the first floor. The two headed cat ran at me and lunged for me.  I quickly side step it pulled out my sword and stabbed at it but it was going too fast and i only nicked it in the paw and green blood splattered on my cheek. Then it jumped over me and i stuck my sword up and cut it in the stomach and it died before it hit the ground. Good news is that i killed it bad news i got a shower of kitty guts.  I looked up and saw that everyone was doing pretty good Scotty had just slid under the bear baseball style and shot it in the heart. I saw that Brett had shot the bird in the eyes like 10 times. Emily was finishing off the blue Mr. Morris. She had pinned him up to a wall with arrows and threw her knife into his heart. Then I heard a scream and saw that Sarah had decapitated the white Mr. Morris. “You guys ok” I said “yeah I’m fine” said Brett even though his arm was bleeding even worse now. “Ok then lets go.”

We came into the gym and saw that there was a red werewolf thing with 6 legs. i pulled out my sword and said "come on why cant we get a brake." I started to run at the werewolf then. Whiz. I saw two arrows fly over my head and hit the werewolf in the chest “thanks guys” I said to Brett and Emily who I knew had fired the arrows. "Ok guys lets help Riley" Sarah said. Then they all started to charge the werewolf. But then the werewolf stood on it's hind legs and howled so loud that we were all blown back. "Yeah guys i just got a new idea" i said "What is it Emily said "RUN!" I yelled.

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