Chapter 8. One has fallen.

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(Hey this is Scotty I’ll be filling you in on what happened after Riley drove off in the car.) The last thing we saw was Riley drive up the ramp and when he hit the monster with his car he blew up. We didn’t see Riley jump out just our best friend go up in flame. The monster was killed and it's body fell into the water but we still had to run because pieces of the Ferrari came flying out at us. When we got to the end of the bridge I had to be the tough guy and say “guys we got to go before were attacked again” “go where?” Sarah said “Riley said something about his aunt I say we try to get there, anyone remember where Riley said it was?” “I know where it is” Brett said “if we’re gonna get there before dark we better get moving.” We started walking the way that Brett was going.

“We’re almost there it’s just a half a mile away” Brett said “good I’m hungry” Marshall said.“Hey do you guys hear that sound?” Bam it was so fast I could barely see it but whatever it was it went for Brett who was leading the group. He went flying in the air a hit a wall of a house and went “I’m ok, it’s all good” but then the thing that attacked him threw a mail box that crashed into him. He broke through the wall. I looked ahead at what was attacking. It was pure shadow. It started running at me and the two girls. Sarah said “umm you guys see that to right?” “Yup” we said. Then it was on top of us and we spilt up. The two girls rolled to the side while I had to jump back to dodge it. The shadow now that I got a good look at it looked like a ninja in all black but with fiery red eyes. I step forward and tried to slash at it but It blocked my axe with a sword as black as a nightmare. “Scotty look out” Emily yelled right before she fired a arrow at it. I rolled to the side just in time and then looked back at the shadow just in time to parry a slash down at my head. I stumbled backwards and thought I was dead but then Sarah came in front of me and crossed her machetes and caught the shadow blade. Then I took my queue and stepped under Sarah’s arm and slashed at it but it was too quick. In an instant it let go of its sword dodged me and kicked me backwards. I flew through the air and hit a wall and was dazed for a second. Meanwhile Sarah and Emily were having a rough time Sarah was tired but Emily dropped her bow and came out with her dagger. She was like a ninja herself. She did a back flip and kicked the shadow in the face. The shadows neck snapped back but it grabbed Emily’s leg and through her beside me and knocked her out. Sarah was barely staying alive out there and when the shadow slashed a deep cut into her arm and she dropped to her knees in pain when there was a clicking noise then a pistol flew out of nowhere and hit the shadow in the face and sent him flying through two houses and out of sight. “That was a bad time for my pistol to jam, now wasn’t it?” Brett said with a grin. He was standing in the hole in the house that he had made. "Wait Brett you had a pistol?" Sarah asked. But then the shadow came back as fast as lightning it didn’t have a sword anymore but him and Brett started fighting hand to hand combat. Brett had gotten in two punches and it looked like he would win but then he made the mistake of trying to kick it in the head. As fast as snake it grabbed his leg and threw him over me and Sarah and out of sight behind us. The shadow walked up to me and smiled wickedly and drew another sword. He gripped it with both hands and was about to kill me and Sarah with one strike when it looked puzzled and looked at its left arm. Just then his arm fell off and a voice said “Well isn’t that what you get for trying to kill those people you ugly son of a bitch.”

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