New Island, Fae and Zoro Crash a Circus

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AN: Sorry this update took so long, life has been pretty hectic. I recently got my torn ACL fixed with surgery and the pain meds made my brain spazz out so I was unable to get any writing done. That weekend also happened to be my birthday, as you can imagine it was probably one of my least favorite birthday celebrations. Than it took me another week to get caught up on all my school work, and Finals and SOL's are around the corner. Point is this is late, I apologize but the next one will probably be late to.

The ocean seemed much prettier than before. Sure, it probably looked the same as it had during the trip from Cloud town, but with company everything just seemed better. I felt a whole lot safer sailing with two monsters to protect me from the ones that dwelled below sapphire waves.

 Downside of company, was that the boat was small and cramped. There really was not a whole lot to do and I couldn't just pull out my phone in front of Zoro and Luffy, so I spent a lot of time napping, like I was now.

"Hey, Fae!" I grunted in my sleep, opening my eyes to glaring sunlight.

"Yeah?" my voice sounded hoarse with sleep, and I blinked rapidly trying to get used to the sun.

"I'm bored," Luffy latched onto me, hanging off my uninjured shoulder, making the unbearable heat even worse.

"Luffy, it's hot," I whined attempting to push him off. "Why don't you play with Zoro?"

"Don't you even think about it," Zoro glared at me from the other side of the boat. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Go back to your nap, Marimo." Oops, stole Sanji's nickname.

"Humph." The eloquent swordsman closed his eyes going back to sleep, his swords clenched to his sides like a security blanket, which just gave me an adorable image of a baby Zoro sleeping with tiny model katanas. I snickered.

"What's so funny?" Zoro opened one eye questioningly

"Nothing, go back to sleep Cabbage head."

"Hey, tell me what funny, I'm so bored." Luffy interrupted my staring match with the swordsman, clinging on to me once again. Suddenly, an idea came to me, this was a technique I had utilized to fend of my younger cousins when they became antsy or ill-entertained.

"Luffy, if you let go, I'll tell you a story."

"A story?" He looked at me with an adorable puzzled face, Zoro also looked up from his end of the boat to stare at me with his dark eyes.

"I don't like reading it's boring." Luffy crossed his arms over his chest pouting.

"Ah but listening is a whole new experience." I winked, internally disagreeing with my statement, reading was just as fun as listening.

"The one I'm telling is a good one, it has adventure."

Luffy eyes turned into sparkles, and I knew that he was hooked.


"Yeah, it has gods and goddesses, too."

"I don't believe in god."

"Shush Green bean fuzz, don't ruin the story," I gave him a teasing look of mock anger, as he twitched at the nickname.

"Shh Zoro I want to hear this." Luffy waved his hand dismissively at the swordsman, looking at me expectantly in a cue to begin.

The ocean waves were a deep blue, they bobbed our little boat in a calming up down motion as I began to tell my story.

Once upon a time, there was a young boy. He was what one might call, a problem child, a nuisance, freak. Danger seemed to follow this boy wherever he went making him unlikable to his peers. Isolated from society, he was treated as nothing when in reality he was radically different from others. Not because he was strange, but because he saw things from another world. A world of ancient heroes, forgotten monsters, and all powerful gods. This boy was strong, stubborn, morally set, and gifted with incredible powers along with a terrible fate. Unknown to him he would be the hero who would save not only our world, but the world of myth. This is where our tale begins.

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