East Blue, The Story Teller

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"Alright let's do this," I clapped my hands together in determination and turned to survey the strewed out contents of my backpack.

Nami was on deck supervising the whole navigation of the ship and after I ended up tangling the lines and totally disengaging the sail she had sent me back inside to prevent further damage.

I took the free time and used it to set up my side of the room. In the women's quarters we lacked basic decorations which I'm sure Nami would add later, but currently we only had two twin sized beds, and basic looking nightstands.

Sitting on the bed, I had claimed my own, I was now taking inventory of everything I had from my world and what Sylvie from Cloud town had given me. Seeing how I'd been coming from school, I had a very strange assortment of things. I had three binders, one for History, Math, and Science, I also had a folder filled with chinese lessons and worksheets, my writing notebook, a swell water bottle, a pencil case with two mechanical pencils, an eraser, white out, and a couple pens, 1000 Beri, a small first aid kit (partially used), headphones, and my phone.

I had played around with my phone for a while and discovered that I did have internet, but only for select things. I could play my spotify songs, google basic ship terminology, watch youtube videos on how to use tessen fans, but I couldn't contact messaging, phone calls, email, facebook, snapchat, instagram, all forms of social media and contact to the other world had somehow been shut off.

On one hand it was freeing not to worry about sending snapchat streaks every night and morning (those were annoying), and on the other it meant my friends and family still had no idea where I was, and I had no idea what was happening to them. I shook my head violently back and forth. Nope, Nope not going to think about that now, they're fine you're still fine everything is going to be fine.

I picked up the phone again and stared intently at the glowing screen. Everything looked the same on the device, I had my anime wallpaper, all my game apps accounted for, and even the contacts for all my friends were intact, but there was something strange now about the device. I squinted, in the top right hand corner where the battery bar was located instead of being green and displaying the battery percent, the bar was filled with a glowing iridescent rainbow color and the number beside the bar was gone.

That was strange.

Well I try not to think about the deep and vast weirdness of the universe, I had a half functional phone with an unlimited battery, it was better than nothing and I was happy with that.

I looked back down at the stuff on my bed. The binders full of homework and useless worksheets were probably things I could toss, but somehow I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Grabbing the school materials I stood up and walked over to pull out the drawer of my nightstand. It was made of a light colored wood and had two decent sized drawers to store things in.

The top drawer was already filled with my clothes from back home, but the bottom had remained empty. With a gentle scraping sound I pulled out the bottom drawer, and placed the binders safely away.

I stood up and packed the rest of the stuff back into my backpack so I could take it with me wherever I went. I had just finished putting away the first aid kit when the door burst open.

Nami marched in an irritated frown on her face. I tracked her motions around the room nervously as she muttered darkly under her breath.

"Everything alright?" I asked tensed up to avoid a possible explosion from the navigator.

"Oh nothing!" Her chipper tone and overly cheerful face was even more terrifying than her blatant yelling. "Nothings wrong I've just discovered I'm on a boat with a bunch of idiots who don't even know how to cook a fucking meal!"

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