[Chapter 19]

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Chapter 19

I just sat there as Alex moved to sit in front of me. I guess I sort of knew and saw this coming but it was still a shock. I could hear Alex in the background trying to get my attention but it wasn't working.

I let a smile spread across my face. I was truly happy for him. I would never judge anyone based on their sexuality.

I lifted my head and gave him a smile.

“So how did you figure this out?”

He gave me a smile but I could tell that he wasn't convinced.

“Alex I am not going to judge you. Honestly I think its cute this way someone else could be the one you snuggle up to. This way you can be vulnerable and let someone else take care of you. Now I want to know who the guy is that made you realize this?”

Suddenly his cheeks reddened. He turned his head away from me and muttered something about embarrassing friends.

“Please tell me. I want to know who he is and if you two are together and what about Stacy?”

He let out another huge breath and turned back toward me.

“Well basically I met this guy in a coffee shop not far from our hang out. He was talking to one of the guys behind the counter when this girl came up behind him. She cracked some kind of joke and they all laughed. I had been there since they arrived, I was sitting in the corner working on some homework since it was quiet enough to concentrate.

I don't know exactly what happen but one minute it was really quiet and then I heard someone screech and stuff fall. I turned my head to see that this shy looking guy had slipped on the floor and fell. I watched as his face reddened but then this other guy came from the back and rushed to his side.

He freaked when he saw that the boy had fallen. At first I thought that maybe he was some boss or a co worker but then I watched as he helped the boy up and sit him on the stool. He placed a small kiss on his head and I watched the shy boy smile wide.

I don't know I guess I always wanted someone to be that way with me. Anyway I stayed a little longer and watched as the girl left but the guy didn't go with her. I just sat there really thinking since I was finished with my work.

I pulled out my cell phone when it went off and it was a call from Stacy. We talked but then I realized I had to do something. I wasn't happy with her anymore so I just ended it going out on a whim. Surprisingly she wasn't upset and she said that we could still be friends.

Right before she said goodbye she asked a question I never really thought about. She asked if I ever considered myself BI. I never thought about liking a guy in that sense. After that we hung up and I couldn't get it out of my head.

I thought about it as I sat there. I remembered my feelings as I watched the boys from earlier and it was then that I knew I needed to find out if any guy would you know turn me on.”

I nodded my head. “So how did you figure that guys did that for you?”

His lips formed a small smile.

“Well the guy from earlier was still in the shop as I was getting ready to leave. He was talking to this guy behind the counter but then I heard them say my name. I knew the boss of the shop, Andy, so most of the workers knew my name since my family was basically friends of his.

I couldn't really hear most of their conversation. I just picked up most of my things and pulled my hoodie back over my head. I knew that my shirt had risen but I really didn't pay much attention but apparently the guy at the counter did.

I just pulled on my backpack and walked toward the door. Right when I was at the door I heard Andy's voice from behind the counter.

Alex's POV the day at the coffee shop

“Hey Alex!”

I turned around with my hands in my pocket. I gave him a small smile.

“Hi Andy.”

I whispered. Why I whispered I have no idea.

“So hows your family I haven't heard from them lately.”

Oh yeah my dad found out about Andy's sexuality and he freaked. He doesn't want anyone from the family around him. I hate having to lie to him about the fact that my parents are purposely avoiding him.

“Well they are doing great they have just been really busy with my cousin getting married soon.”

It wasn't a complete lie my mom was pretty busy with cousin Jean's wedding in a few months.

“Oh that's right. Well how is that girlfriend of yours, Stacy.”

For some reason I heard an intake of breath and someone chuckle. I looked over toward the noise and saw that the boy behind the counter had a triumphant grin on his face while the other boy with black hair had a deep frown on his face.

I gave my attention back to Andy and just decided to tell the truth.

“Actually we just broke up earlier today. Something just wasn't right and I didn't care for her anymore.”

The look on Andy's face was something I never expected. He gave me a small smile but there was the hint of a smirk in there.

“Well you haven't met my brother yet so SCOTT!!”

He yelled out causing some of us to wince. I watched the back door swing open to reveal the guy from earlier that had given the guy the kiss. He was young which was obvious but the look on his face was annoyed.

“What the hell Andy? You didn't have to yell so damn loud. You almost scared my baby back there.”

Since I had seen them earlier I knew he was talking about the shy looking boy that had fallen.

“Not my fault that your boyfriend hasn't gotten use to me just yet.”

Then I heard a voice I hadn't heard yet.

“You would think he had with him living with you.”

It was the boy leaning against the counter. The boy, Scott, then decided to speak his mind.

“Well, Blake, no one asked for your input on the subject.”

Suddenly Andy jumped in.

“Okay then I asked you in here for you to meet the Mason's boy Alex.”

He motioned toward me and the boy moved toward me.

“Hi its nice to meet you. I am sure with all the yelling you know I am Scott.”

I nodded my head toward and replied, “Nice to meet you,” in a whisper.

He gave me a smile and then the shy boy came from the back.

“There you are Angel.”

He gave Scott a smile and then he noticed me.

“Who is this?”

Andy answered his question.

“This is Alex, he is the son of the Mason family that use to come in here all the time.”

The boy's facial expression changed.

“Oh yeah I remember them. They don't come in here anymore.”

For some reason I decided to be honest.

“Yeah they don't come in here on purpose. They found out about Andy's sexuality.”

Suddenly it got dead quiet. I felt more out of place then ever.

“Well anyway I have to get going.”

I just wanted to get out of there fast and quick. So I just turned around and walked toward the door.

Suddenly I heard another voice, the voice of the boy I had been watching since he came in the store.

“You don't care about it do you?”

I stopped in my tracks. For some odd reason his voice made weird things happen to me. I had really never felt that swarm of butterflies that girls everywhere felt when they heard the guy the like talk to them.

I turned around and met his gaze. He game me such a cute smile that it was hard not to smile back.

“No I don't really. It is just different I guess.”

I turned back around and walked out the shop. I continued down the sidewalk until I came to my car. I pulled out my keys and popped the trunk. I pulled off my backpack and put it in the trunk.

I lifted my hand to close the trunk when another hand covered mine. I lifted my head and came face to face with the guy whose name was Blake.

“You know, Alex, you seem like you like the whole sexuality thing more than you let on.”

For some reason I wanted to flirt back with him since he was obviously doing it with me. I left my hand where it was and didn't try to move it. He continued to look at me with the same look in his eye.

“Well I guess it doesn't bother me as much as it should.” I ended with a smirk. The look on his face was something that resembled a smirk.

Mine had just been a playful smirk one that showed my playful shy side that many people didn't actually get to see. He stepped closer to me and then moved his hand.

“Well if it doesn't bother you then you wouldn't mind seeing me tomorrow here.”

For some reason I smiled so hugely and agreed.

Normal POV

“Well I continued to meet him and that day I couldn't make it to school was actually our first real date. I made sure he understood that I was still confused but he is so understanding. Last few weeks he has been great. I hate lying to my parents but what am I suppose to say. I am so scared to turn out like Angel or Scott.”

He had tears coming down his cheeks.

“Alex what exactly did happen to Angel and Scott?”

At the mention of the two boys a smile came on his face.

“Well at first they hated each other. Well Angel hated Scott because he thought he was homophobic and thought he helped the guys beat him up. Scott came out to his parents when he was thirteen and they sent him to his brothers because of it and Andy is Bi as well. Angel told his parents and woke up the next few days, they were gone, they had abandoned him at fourteen.

I am afraid my father would do worse to me. I hate it I want to tell my mom how great this guy makes me feel. I don't have to be this strong guy I can just be the weak guy and let someone else hold me.”

Suddenly I thought of an idea.

“When am I going to get to meet this great guy?”

He laughed at me and then smiled.

“He actually asked me when I was going to tell my friends about him. I told him about you and Kimi. He said from the way I described you both that you would be his favorite. Actually I know that you know about the bonfire because Scott and them were invited. Scott, Angel, Fox, Annie, and Blake were all invited and Blake wants me to come so I guess you will meet him tomorrow.

He is helping clean the house. He was also said that there was swimming so he is trying to get me in some swimming trunks.”

I gave him smile along with a hug.

“I am so happy for you Alex. I am thankful that you trusted me enough to tell me.”

Alex had such a huge smile on his face that I almost laughed. I realized then that there was so much more to Alex than I would ever know.


Author's Note:

I combined this and my slash story.

Please comment down below if you want me to post my slash story. It's about Scott and Angel and how they started. I don't want to post it if people aren't going to read it.


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