[Chapter 41]

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Chapter 41

Mom thought it would be best that I say at the house alone on Friday night. Jennifer, Kimi's mom, wasn't comfortable with it but I explained to her that I would need to get up early and go home anyway. Staying at home alone for the first time in days was weird. Everything seemed extra loud since I was alone.

I was used to Kimi's loud voice being around.

Friday night I pulled my jeep into the driveway and cut the engine. I was nervous. I grabbed both my bag full of clothes and my backpack heading toward the front door. I jammed my key inside unlocking the door and quickly going inside turning the lock back.

I turned on the lights in the house and then the central heating system. I ran upstairs toward my room and flipped on the light. I went straight toward the closet and tossed in my bags and then shut the closet door.

Stepping away from the closet I release a breath I never realized I had been holding. For the first time in real weeks I was alone. I had time to think, time to myself. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Kimi's house a thousand times more than here but sometimes Kimi can be too much.

She's like one of those friends in small doses she does wonders, but in large amounts, she kills.

I chuckled to myself and bend down pulling my shoes off my feet. I was still dressed in my theater outfit. Once my shoes were off I stood in front of my bed and then fell backwards on it. I laughed as I flopped on the bed.

I release a gulp of air as I stare at the ceiling. There's still that crack on the ceiling from when mom and I moved in. She wasn't married to dad when she found this house. I still loved it even though mom seemed to hate it more and more each time she was here.

It was so quiet it was strange. The entire time I was at Kimi's she never shut up for the room to get real quiet. When mom was here it never got this quiet, it was nice.

I turned my head and glanced at the clock.


I sighed, I needed to shower and then eat. Jennifer didn't cook enough of their food for me to eat; she guessed I would be home by the time she got the food done. She was right, since she hadn't cooked enough I came on home.

I stood from my bed and then walked to my bedroom door closing it and turning the lock. My nerves were in a bit of ciaos since Ben was still on the loose and I was home alone. I pulled off my shirt and then pulled down my pants. I walked by the mirror and then suddenly stopped.

I wasn't the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what Kimi says. My stomach poked out over my underwear and my back was covered in acne. I was so self-conscious. My back was getting better but the acne was still there. My appearance wasn't that great because if it had been than I would have been on a date already, which I hadn't.

I closed my eyes breathing through my nose and turned away from the mirror. Thoughts like those were going to cause some serious problems.

"You aren't pretty enough to keep him. You know this. That's why he stays with your mother. He only wants something young for a little while and then goes back to the one with the experience."

Tears threaten to stream down my cheeks but I held them in. I walked into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. Maybe a hot bubble bath will make me feel better.

Later that evening I was in the living room with the television on. I was trying to find something to watch but there wasn't much on. I was cooking some food in the kitchen since I hadn't been long just got out of the tub.

I was cooking some battered fries, mac and cheese, and some fried chicken. I walked back into the kitchen after searching the TV in the living room. I took a look at the mac and cheese since it was the last thing cooking. The smell of chicken filled the kitchen slowly making its way to the rest of the house.

I grabbed a fry from my plate and crunched it between my teeth. Suddenly the house phone rang and I ran toward it.

Forgetting about caller ID I just grabbed the phone.


"Laura? Honey?"

I rolled my eyes. It was mom, as usual.

"Yeah mom?"

"I called Kimi's and she said you were gone already. I was just checking in on you. I was worried about you being there on your own. Robert and I are kind of busy with his appearances on TV and everything."

I sighed. She wasn't telling me anything I didn't know already. He was on all kind of shows this morning about the movie and about his personal life. I couldn't watch most of it when he had to talk about him and mom. She seemed to love all the sudden attention though, which was kind of annoying.

"I saw it this morning mom. Listen I am cooking right now and I don't want to burn anything."

"Okay sure honey. I love you. Bye."

"Bye, Bye."

I hung up the phone. Next time I will be sure to not answer the damn phone and send her a message telling her I am fine. I walked back to the stove and turned off the burner for the mac and cheese.

I finished the mac and cheese and placed everything on my plate walking back into the living room. The TV was on a movie that I didn't know the name of. I sat down eating my food not really paying attention to what I was watching.

Tomorrow I was going to have to get on a plane and fly out to my grandmother's. I didn't like flying to much which was the reason why I was thankful to only have to do it on holidays.

I loved seeing my family though. Most of them lived closer to grams so I never saw them. I missed some of my cousins. My older cousin, Rachel, used to be one of my best friends but once I moved and got older we drifted apart.

My aunt, Karen, was sometimes the best aunt in the world. I say sometimes because she could be really mean when she wanted to be. She hated the way my mom, her sister, treated me and how she didn't seemed to care about seeing me grow up.

Mom didn't realize what she missed by always being gone. She missed things in my life that she would never get to see again. I hoped one day in the near future she would realize all the things she missed out on.

I finished my food in a slow manner. I wasn't excited about bed time; I didn't have anyone here to watch out for me. Suddenly I started thinking about Robert. I missed those times when he would come into my bedroom and lay with me until I fell asleep.

I put my dishes in the dishwasher and locked it up good and tight. I suddenly felt vibration on my leg. I pulled out my cell phone looking at the ID.

Unknown Number

My eyebrows knitted together but I answered it anyway.

"Hello? Who is this?"

I heard a chuckle. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hi Laura. I had to call on a different phone because your mom is checking my damn phone."

I smiled.

"I was wondering there. The number was unknown so I didn't know."

"Yeah I know. She doesn't know I have a separate phone; it's for my people in case my phone gets stolen or I lose it. They don't want this phone out in the open. It stays in my suitcase most of the time, since I found her checking my phone I deleted your number from there and placed it in this phone. You should do the same. Change the name or something so she doesn't realize it."

I walked through the house turning off the lights. I headed toward my room listening to him describe how his day had been.

"Yeah I saw that on TV this morning. I turned it off before you got in detail about yours and mom's relationship."

I heard him sigh.

"I am really sorry about all of this. It seems like I am doing this all wrong. I know that if I leave your mother, she won't let us be together. Plus I don't want to ruin your life by putting you in the spotlight when you might not be ready for that."

I sighed.

"Well I didn't call to talk about this; I called to ask about your opinions on the movie."

I chuckled, of course he was.

"Well it was good I guess. You did a good job being Edward in this one, better than the first. I thought some of the Jacob shirt things were over the top. Some of them seemed force, plus it was annoying when the young girls screaming when he removed his shirt."

He started laughing then.

"Also Kimi and Annie said that Kristen could have done a better job being upset in the forest. I think she did the best she could considering that it's kind of hard to do when you don't feel that way."

"Well I will be sure to let them all know this. Anyway what are you doing right now?"

I grinned.

"Right now? Well I am getting ready for bed. I have to get up really early in the morning for my flight, which is at nine. I have to be at the airport at probably seven thirty or seven to get through security and everything. Plus I think I will be waiting with Kimi. She's going to her fathers for Thanksgiving."

"Bed huh? Wish I was there to comfort you. I know you are nervous about staying alone for the first time since the kidnapping but I assure you that nothing will happen. If something does than you can come back and murder me all you want."

I laughed.

"Okay Rob. I will be sure to do that."

"I love it when you call me that."

I could feel the heat in my cheeks rise.

"Sure you do. Mom must call you that all the time."

"Not as much as you would think. Plus I prefer it the way you say it over her voice any day."

I couldn't help the giggle that came from my mouth. I suddenly heard a yawn from his side of the phone. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table finding the time.


"Listen Rob you are tired and I need to sleep so how about we call it a night..."

"How about this, you find your head piece to your phone and we stay on line just until you fall asleep? This way you aren't awake all night worrying about being home alone with that guy still on the loose."

I sighed but agreed. I searched my desk and bedside table for my blue-tooth ear piece. Once I found it I connected it to my phone.

"Are you still there?"

"Yes I am all ears."

I turned off the overhead light and walked to my bed. Climbing in the bed, I pull the cover up.

"What about my mom hearing and seeing you on the phone with me?"

"Oh don't worry about it. I told her not to expect me back until really late anyway. She could sweat for a while."

I chuckled and then leaned back pulling out the light on my lamp.

"So what do you want me to do to help you sleep?"

I sighed but thought about it.

"How about you sing? You can hum if you want instead, just something to lull me to sleep."

I scooted down in my bed and pulled the covers under my chin.

"Oh well let me think...." He was quiet for a few minutes.

"How about I sing a couple of my own songs and then I will hum some other things."

"Alright that would be fine," I said while yawning.

He cleared his throat and started sing his own song called "Let Me Sign."

I remember hearing the end of the song before my eyes drooped.

The next morning I was sitting at the bar eating breakfast. I was running about fifteen minutes late because since my phone was on in my ear the alarm didn't go off. It was a good thing I had set the alarm on the alarm clock or I would have completely missed my flight.

Suddenly the house phone rang. I dropped the spoon back in the bowl since all I had time for was a bowl of cereal. I ran to the phone checking the ID first.


I chuckled.

"Hello Kimi!"

I heard a groan and someone hitting their head against something.

"You sure have a lot of energy for someone running fifteen minutes behind schedule."

I groaned.

"Don't remind me."

"Exactly why are you running late? You told me you were setting two different alarms in case the power went out or something else."

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach thinking about Robert's singing in my ear.

"Robert called last night."

"That explains it?"

"Yes it does. For the reason he sang me to sleep over the phone and then hung up when I was asleep. I never turned really ended the call myself so my phone went dead after a while."

"He sang you to sleep? That's so sweet."

I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Anyway let's get off of me. What are you doing for the airport?"

"Well my mom is saying she's going to my aunts and grandmother's so she will be going to the train station. She was hoping you would be able to accompany me at the airport."

I bit my lip.

"What time does your plane leave?"

I heard her sigh, "Let me look, I don't know it on the top of my head."

I heard her sit the phone down. I walked back toward the bar and grabbed my bowl placing it in the sink. Suddenly she came back on the line.

"It leaves at nine thirty."

I smiled.

"That would be fine. How about I leave my jeep at your house? I can come to yours and we can get a taxi that way. My plane leaves at nine."

"That sounds like a plan Laura."

"See you then."

We hung up the phone and I huffed. Time to get ready in a hurry. I ran to my room, it was a good thing I had picked out my clothing last night after the bath or I would be even later.

There was a black tunic type shirt with a white part connected to it. I picked out a pair of Capri's along with a pair of dark blue sneakers.

I quickly changed into the clothes and then stuffed my pj's in the hamper in the bathroom. I pulled on a peace necklace, butterfly bracelet, and a black wrist watch. I looked around my room making sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

I picked up my gray bag and pulled my arm through it. I made sure I had everything I needed in my bag.


I was about to get everything ready before even looking in the mirror or combing my hair. I pulled a brush through my hair and then quickly swiped on some lip gloss for appearances. I placed my hair brush and make up in my smaller suitcase and then shut the bathroom tight.

I grabbed the rolling suitcases and the smaller one pulling them out into the hallway. I pulled out my key and then turned out the light in my bedroom pulling the door closed. I turned out the light in the hallway and then pulled my bags down the stairs. I placed my bags at the front door and then decided to go ahead and put them in my jeep. I walked out of the house pulling my bags along with me making sure to close the door of course.

I walked out to my jeep and opened up the back of the jeep. I picked up my bags and placed them inside the back. I closed the door back and then walked back to the house. I walked around the rooms cleaning up making sure that everything was cleaned up and wouldn't attract bugs.

Once everything was done I turned out the lights and then shut the front door. I made sure it was locked and then made my way back to my jeep hoping inside. The turned on the heat and then fastened my seat belt backing out of the drive heading toward Kimi's house.

I passed the same lights and houses as always.

I pulled into Kimi's driveway and then honked the horn. I put the jeep in park and then stepped out. I decided to leave it running because we didn't have time for me to come in and waste. The front door came open and Jennifer came walking out. She went to her small black car and popped the trunk.

"She will be out in a few. You know how she is."

I chuckled.

"She doesn't have many bags does she?"

She gave me a grin.

"Not as much as she wanted. I made her lessen the amount."

Suddenly I heard commotion from the front door and I turned my head. Kimi was dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, gray jacket, and a small black hat on her head. She was pulling her suitcases out the door and I just shook my head. She was trying to pull three gray rolling suitcases with her snow white purse and another bag hanging from her arms.

I chuckled but ran toward her. I quickly grabbed a suitcase and the bag from her arm. She lifted her head and I saw a pair of shades on her face. Her hands were covered in lace gloves and she had on a pair of black earrings with black and white bracelet and a black necklace.

She gave me a grin and we pulled her suitcases to my jeep. We placed them in the back with my own and then she stepped toward her mom to say goodbye. I smiled at Jennifer and then climbed in the jeep.

Soon enough Kimi joined me and we were off to the airport.

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