[Chapter 62]

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Chapter 62

Same Day

Someone was shaking me awake. I groaned and then heard the deep chuckle that caused my heart to skip a beat. I opened my eyes and was greeted with a pair of crystal blue eyes staring back into my brown eyes.

“We just entered New York skies. Molly said you had never been to New York before so I figured you would want to look out the window.”

Don’t get me wrong I wanted more than anything to look out the window at the buildings of New York City but I couldn’t. Being afraid of flying caused looking out the window of a moving plane thousands of miles in the air to give me a panic attack I wasn’t ready to have.

“No thanks,” I whispered.

Robert looked at me confused as he squatted down on his knees. I looked around the plane to see Mom on the phone talking in hushed whispers. Sarah was asleep in her seat with a thin blanket wrapped around her torso.

“Afraid of flying?”

I sighed but nodded my head, “Unfortunately. I only fly during the holidays because of the fear. Maybe if flown more places with Mom or something I wouldn’t be so afraid.”

He sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, Molly never mentioned you being afraid of flying before.”

I humphed as I scooted up in my seat and pulling the jacket from my front torso. Robert stood to his feet and took the seat next to me. I raised my eyebrow to which he replied, “Molly’s busy. She’s been talking on that phone for at least an hour now.”

I nodded my head and then a lady came from the front of the plane. She started cleaning up the glasses and plates from around mom and Sarah.

“The plane is about the land, shortly. Captain wants everyone awake and buckled up.”

Robert and I nodded and Robert stood walking back to Molly. He talked to her about getting off the phone and looked at me before looking at Sarah. I groaned not wanting to mess with princess b**ch. I waited until he returned to mom before grabbing a book from beside me and tossing it into Sarah’s lap. She groaned her eyes snapping up.

Robert looked over at me shaking his head with a small smile on his face. Sarah was glaring at me as she realized I had thrown a book into her lap to her wake her. Mom started talking to her.

“Sarah, get buckled up, plane’s about to land.”

She groaned before sliding the book across the floor. I picked up the book before dropping it back into my bag before buckling my seat belt around my waist.

I stuffed my ears full of earpieces and turned up the music as loud as I could. My MP3 player wouldn’t interfere with the plane in any way since I had done this many times before. Music blared into my ears butt my concentration wasn’t on it as I watched the flight crew find their own seats to buckle into.

Mom was off her phone now and was talking with Robert. I looked at Sarah and she was shaking her head at me before mouthing the word “Baby” in my direction.

I just shrugged; I wasn’t the only one that was afraid of flying. Grown people were afraid of flying every day around the world. If she called me a baby then she was calling all the people around the world a baby as well, even if she didn’t really know it.

Suddenly I saw Mom and Robert’s mouth’s stop moving telling me the captains’ voice had come on through the intercom. I closed my eyes feeling my fingers tightening around the end of the arm rest.

I peak through my eyes to see Sarah looking at me with a disgusted look on her face. I look around the room and feeling the plane jerk around causing my eyes to snap shut. I held my breath as I felt the plane shake again and then it slowing down telling me we were effectively landing.

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