[Chapter 1]

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Chapter 1

The cafeteria was loud with all the high school teenagers chatting with their friends. Me, I was just waiting on my friends to join me for lunch. Usually they are here by now; I wonder what’s taking them so long.

Well while I wait on the slow pokes I’ll introduce myself. My name is Laura Robin May. Yeah, I know kind of a mouth full for a name, but it makes me seem unique. My friends and family are the only ones that get away with calling me Robin.

Well I guess my friends would describe me as the silent type. Most of the time they are the ones that make me join the clubs or participate in a class discussion. Some people have said I reminded them of Bella, from Twilight, the suffer in silence type.

My friends are a crazy group of people. They are pretty different from me in a lot of ways.

I suppose the most dramatic friend I have would be Alex Mason. When I first changed to this school he was the bully of the halls. He of course was a complete ass to me my first few months. Then I saw him at the mall in one of my favorite stores and for some reason he invited me to the food court and we have been the best of friends ever since.

My strangest friend would the crazy, eccentric Kimi. She is one of the loudest people you will ever know. Although, Kimi can be the quietest person, once we are together. Many people have asked how we became friends, well my first day of school she was the nicest person to me and invited me to sit with her at lunch and somehow we became best friends. Of course, Kimi and I were friends when Alex was a bully and she didn’t like it to well when we became friends.

Now though we all make up quite the little group. We all are different but find some of ourselves in each other and get along. I personally think that the reason Alex and Kimi butt-heads all the time is because they are both pigheaded.

Now I am really starting to worry about Kimi and Alex. I know Kimi is here since we have first block together but I’m not sure about Alex. Speaking of Kimi I should warn you that her style of clothing is usually different from my attire.

Suddenly I heard someone running very fast in the cafeteria. I turned my head to see a guy named Kyle that was in gym with Kimi.


Apparently he was sent to fetch me. I should tell you that Kimi can be a little intimidating. She usually makes people go and fetch someone for her.

I turned completely around in my seat as Kyle got closer. Once he was close he bent down holding his knees. I could tell he was out of breath.

“Kyle, what’s the big emergency?”

Kyle looked up at me and the look on his face was like, "oh yeah."

“You need to get to the gym, Kimi just got into a fight once again.”

Great. Quickly I got my things, leaving the white, plastic tray. Kyle was already gone to his table. I knew if I didn’t hurry Kimi would wind up getting hurt or getting into severe trouble.

I ran right out the cafeteria doors and down the hall. I past all the main classes, the office, the ISS room, and then finally I made it to the smelly Gym.

Teens were all gathered around a small part. I quickly ran through the crowd pushing my way to the front. Soon I came across some people that wouldn’t move to save their pathetic lives.

Then that’s when I heard, “Laura up here come on.”

I turned my head to see Alex. Today he was dressed in some black jeans, a white and black checkered shirt, and a checkered backpack to match. I took his hand when he offered and he pulled me along side of him. He was in the front of the crowd watching the whole scene.

Kimi was fighting a girl named Jane. This girl talked a lot of shit around campus about people. Last week there was a rumor that she spread about me and some guy, she found out I liked, saying that we slept together and now one of us has some STD. Most of the school actually believed her all except for the people that have some kind of sense.


I yelled across the small area. She was sure as hell going to get suspended now. I always tried to stop her getting into a fight, telling her she wasn’t worth the trouble. More so I wasn’t worth the trouble. This fight she was fighting was in my honor for the stuff Jane was saying about me and Kimi, being the best friend in the world, fought Jane to get her off my back.

Then all so quickly the crowd began to spread. That was the signal to get away fast if you didn’t want trouble from the principal. Suddenly the gym teacher, Mr. Lars, began pulling Kimi away from Jane. I have to say I really didn’t want to be Jane right now.

Jane had a black eye, her black skin sweat under the bright lights and, she happened to have a weave,which was pulled from her head. The weave was lying on the floor close to the fight. I could feel Alex trying to pull me away but I had to see Kimi and make sure she was alright.

Her head slowly took in her surroundings. She searched the crowd with her eyes and stopped when she met my gaze. She had her signature smirk plastered across her face. I could only laugh but on the inside I was frowning, she didn’t deserve the punishment for helping a friend.

Before the Principal approached I mouthed the words “Thank you. Text me later.”

Her only response was a small nod and I then let Alex pull me along. We passed Principal, Arris, at the gym door, as we quickly made our way toward the cross yard. Alex had hold of my hand once we were in the cross yard.

There's nothing going on between Alex and I. Alex is only a friend in my mind, a protective brother. He also has a very nice girlfriend named Stacy. She is extremely nice but goes to a different school right now and they only see each other either after school or on weekends.

Alex found a small table and sat his backpack on top. He finally released my hand and then I threw my backpack to the ground. I was still standing; I was a little freaked out by the fight. I hated for her to get in trouble all because I can’t stand up for myself.

Alex looked up at my shocked state. He knew how I felt about all of this. It wasn’t called for, I wasn’t that special.

“Robin, don’t worry about Kimi it was her own decision to get in the fight.”

I could hear what he was saying, it wasn’t like I made her do it, but I felt guilty about her getting into trouble.

Alex walked toward me and gave me a hug. I really wanted that, right now I felt like I was losing my friend. I knew I wouldn’t lose her really but it was the fact that she wouldn’t be at school when she got suspended. Her mom would probably take away her phone and ground her since this wasn’t her first offense.

Alex directed me toward the table to sit. He moved his backpack over some and took a seat. He sat with both legs on either side if the seat.

“I heard that your mom is coming home today.”

I groaned remembering about my mother. Her name is Molly Crystal Scope. We don’t have the same last name because when my parents divorce, when I was about 13, she changed her name back to her maiden name. She has this fancy job working for celebrities, which means she is gone quite a lot. I have been living with her for a long time and the trips she has are what we call normal.

Most of the time, she is only home for a couple of days or hours. Although, now she is coming home for some special reason. Now she has dated in the past many people. The only problem was they were scumbags. They were just there for her money. In the end she would end the relationship because of her job, mainly.

I slowly nodded my head in response.

“Yeah, she said on the voice-mail she would be home when I arrived. She said that there was a certain reason for this home coming. I already have a clue about what the news could be.”

Alex only looked at me. After a few minutes the famous smirk took over his lips.

“Another man toy as you call them?”

I smiled at him. The last guy my mom dated I started to call him her man toy because he really only lasted about 6 weeks, her shortest relationship yet. I let a chuckle escape my rosy lips.

“Let’s just hope this one isn’t here for her money.”

Alex nodded his head seeming to agree with me. Then much to my disappointment the bell rang for out next class.

Alex and I stood to our feet grabbing our bags.

“I’ll meet you at your car when the bell rings.”

I nodded my head toward Alex and walked toward my next class waving goodbye to one of my best friends.


Author's Note:


picture of Laura on the side--->

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