Chapter 8

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Adrian's POV

"I'll meet you outside here after biology?" I asked Jamie.

"Yep. Have fun!" she smiled and headed towards her own classroom.

I made my way into my biology room and grabbed the appropriate folders from my bag, before settling at my desk.

A moment later, I heard the familiar loud laughs and jokes coming from jut outside. I looked up just in time to see Amelia and Brigitte waltz in, already pulling stupid faces.

"ADRIAN!" They laughed.

"Hey freaks." I grinned at them.

Seeing her again, I thought about how attractive Brigitte really was. Her ginger hair framed her slim face perfectly, it was completely straight today and looked so shiny and sleek.

We took our seats and listened to the teacher drone on before we started the experiments.

"Can you be trusted with a Bunsen burner?" I asked Brigitte after she started to pretend it was a lightsaber.

"Course not!" They said in unison.

"Okay, I really don't get any of this I give up!" I said, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Should we just see what the nicest colour we can make is using all of these different and highly dangerous chemicals?" Brigitte suggested.

I grinned, "definitely."


Jamie's POV

"So Jamie, who's your new boyfriend?" Sam asked me. I had the misfortune of sitting next to him in this class, lucky me.

"Adrian's not my boyfriend." I snapped at him.

"Woah woah woah! No need to be so touchy love. Does he not like you back? Is that it?" he said, a smirk playing on his lips. God, he really knew which strings to pull. While Adam was physically intimidating, Sam as all psychological.

"We're just friends." I said softly. I really didn't want to get into a conversation about this, I was a shit lier at the best of times.

"You done question 4?" I asked, attempting to swerve the conversation away from me.

"No. And I'm glad, wouldn't want someone like you to go off with someone like him." he said confidently. What? Did Sam like me?! PAH! I'd never go out with someone like him. This could work to my advantage though...

"Whatever." I said.

I turned back to my work but soon felt a hand brush against my leg. I turned to look at Sam who was leaning back in his seat and smirking at me. His hand was just above the hem of my skirt, and beginning to work it's way upwards.

"Don't even think about it." I warned him, but this just seemed to make him laugh more.

"Ooooo do I make you nervous?" He taunted.

"Just don't touch me, okay?" I said, and swiped his hand away, turning my attention to my work and not the hateful prick sat next to me.

"Alright sweetheart. Don't want Adrian getting all upset."

"Shut up! You know, you might want to try being nice to people sometime." I sneered. "Instead of following Adam round like a puppy. That way people might actually get some respect for you." That would shut him up.

"Bitch..." he muttered, and we spent the rest of the lesson in silence. It was a little awkward, but at least he kept his hands to himself.


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