Chapter 2

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Adrian's POV

We got to the library quite quickly, and I could see a couple of guys sitting at one of the tables.

One of them had a sandy coloured hair which was swept to the side, and the other had a mass of curly brown hair and bright green eyes.

The first boy stood up when he Jamie and I approaching and smiled widely.

"JAMANTHY!!" he yelled, earning a stern look from the librarian.

"CHRISTOPHLER!" Jamie replied in an excited whisper. He ran up to her and gave her a hug and then moved out of the way of the other guy.

"Peanut Jam!" she said and hugged him too. "I've missed you guys, good trip?" she asked them.

"Yep, it was surf-tacular!" the curly haired guy replied with a grin. "A good escape from exams and stuff. A week was just about long enough, I think."

"Guys, I have something to tell you." Jamie said to them seriously. "I have made an actual friend." both of the guys gasped over dramatically and then looked at me.

"This is Adrian," Jamie said, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the guys. They were a little taller than me, but not much. "He just moved here. I think he has a brother in your year."

"Ahhhh," the sandy haired guy started. "Poor sod. I'm Chris, and this is PJ. I'm afraid your brother has fallen into the 'popular' trap. Hard luck mate." Chris hit me on the shoulder. I laughed and so did Jamie, but Chris managed to stay completely solemn.

"I guess I'll talk to him tonight, tell him you guys are much better," I replied. "and if you don't mind me asking, what's with the nicknames?"

"Well," PJ began, "Christophler is just an extended version of Christopher. Peanut Jam comes from PJ, and Jamanthy, well that's quite a story." He looked off into the distance dramatically, leaving Chris to finish.

"Well, when Jamie first came here, she was all scene and shy so me and PJ decided to 'school adopt' her."

"I thought they were weird as fuck!" Jamie cut in, laughing at them.

"Yes, well, we are, but that's not related. So we asked her name and she wouldn't tell us, so we called her 'woman'. luckily she found it funny, so we mixed the names together and made Jamanthy... Well that's sort of how it went. I think... Ta-Dah!" Chris made jazz hands and looked at us expectantly.

"Okay... yeah you guys are weird as fuck!" I laughed, and we went to sit at one of the tables.


I got on really well with those guys, and got to know a lot more about them and Jamie.

After about half an hour, a guy with jet black hair, bright, shining blue eyes and a cheeky grin came running in.

He ran up behind Jamie and hugged her head, making Chris and PJ laugh.

"Ickle Jamantha!" he squealed.

"Not so ickle Philly!! Bonjourno mon sexy pally." Jamie said, escaping from his grasp and turning to hug him.

"You must be Jamie's first friend!! Yeeeey!" he giggled and began hugging my head just like Jamie's.

"Um... hi?" I said, trying not to blush. This guy who I had never met had just started hugging my head. Well this was new...

"I'm Phil." he said, taking a set next to PJ. "Wait... I've seen you before..." his eyes narrowed and he studied my face.

"I have an older brother in the year above. People say were like twins just with a year between us."

"Oh right! yeah I think I saw him thismorning. Isn't he all 'popular' and shit?"

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