Chapter 14

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Jamie's POV

Fuck him. Fuck everything he ever said to me. Fuck our 'friendship'. I can't... I won't... I...

I walked to school as slow as my legs could possibly go. All the usual stares I got from people I barely knew hurt so much more today, I felt their eyes crawling over me, judging me and whispering about me. I pulled my coat further round me and kept my head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone possible.

"Jamie, we need to talk." I looked up into Adrian's eyes. They looked tired, confused... I didn't know wether to be happy or worried. I nodded at him and followed as he lead me to quieter part of school. As he turned round to look at me, I realised exactly I knew what I should feel.


"Look, Adrian, I couldn't give two craps. Really." I said before he could start a conversation I didn't want to have. "You've made your decision and I guess that means I'm forced to make mine."

"J, you're my best friend..."

"No, no I'm not. And don't call me that. my name is Jamie."

"Listen J I just want to-"

"No! Don't you get it?!" I shouted, refusing to cry. "We're done. Have fun fucking your bitch of a girlfriend."

I began to walk away, anger burning me inside out, stinging the backs of my eyes and sitting uncomfortably in my stomach.

I walked away and kept walking till I got to my first class. Call me a nerd, but I'm not about to let some guy ruin my future. Skipping classes would be giving in, and that I won't do.

Adrian's POV

"How did it go?"

"Not good. She's still mad at me, I'm not sure why though." I told Brigitte that Jamie was mad at me, but the fact that I didn't know why wasn't entirely true.

"I'm sure she'll get over it. I knew she'd pull something like this."

I stopped and looked up. "Like what?"

"You know, like this. She did strike me as you know... that type."

"What type?"

"Like, emo. I think I just about saved you from that little phase babe," she stood behind me and wrapped her arms round my shoulders, resting her head on my shoulder. I immediately shrugged her off and stood up, moving to face her.

"That little phase?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows in a mixture of anger and confusion.

"Yeah, I mean, I didn't want you to go all emo and depressed on me. Next thing you know you'll have been cutting!" She laughed, as if the idea was stupid and not worth thinking about.

"Brigitte, cutting is a real thing, people do it for a reason! It's not just because you feel like it, or because you think it's 'cool'!"

"Adrian I know that, but she just strikes me as you know... the attention seeking sort. Also, she's kind of a bitch."

"She's kind of a bitch? Oh well that makes sense because we're kind of over. Now kindly fuck off, I need to go tell my best friend that I'm sorry I was such a nob."

"Adrian you can't just-"

"Brigitte, take a look over there." I waved my hand over to the deserted games field. "This is where I grow my fucks for you. See how it is barren?"

Her face was a sight I would have liked to stop and stare at for a little longer, maybe even take a picture of. The pure horror and disgust, the shock, she clearly had no idea what to think. Without saying anything I spun on my heels and ran off.

'I have to find Jamie.' I repeated, over and over in my head. 'I have to make it all better'

I kept running until I got to Jamie's place where she loves to go, where she goes with Phil, in the hope she'd be there. Once I got there and saw no one, I didn't give up hope.

"Lessons." I said out loud, rubbing my temples and trying to think of what to do. "I'll go to her class."

Phil's POV

I walked into class with a stupid smile on my face. "Hey guys." I smiled at Chris and Peej. "You seen Dan today? I haven't seen him."

"Nope not yet. We need help on this short film thing. We have a lot of the footage we need but we really have to put this all into editing and start piecing it together. We're almost two months in and we only have a few weeks left-" At that point, I lost all interest in what Chris was saying.

Dan came bustling through the door, scattering apologies to our teacher and various pupils as he stepped on feet and kicked bags on his way over to our table.

"Hey, sorry I'm late I had some stuff to do." He explained, holding one hand on his side as if he was in pain.

"It's alright, we were just going over a couple of things. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, stupid me I walked into a door handle! Anyway Phil could I just talk to you for a minute after the lesson? Just quickly."

"Sure." I smiled.

I spent the whole lesson only offering a fraction I concentration for the project. Dan kept wincing, always smiling afterwards to try ad cover up the fact he was in pain. As soon as the bell went I jumped up immediately to leave, helping Dan with his school bag and muttering a quick goodbye to Chris and Peej, who looked rather pissed off at me and my lack of attention.

"You didn't walk into a door handle, did you." I said a soon as Dan and I had gotten to a quieter place where we could talk.

"We'll sort of, if you switch door handle with feet and walk with dragged and pushed. It's nothing Phil," he reassured me, resting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine. This isn't what I wanted to talk to you about anyway."

"I'm still not okay with you being beaten up but tell me what you wanted to say."

"Well, despite it being a bit awkward last night with Jamie and my brother, it was still a really good night because I got to talk to you, and that was really nice." a small smile tugged at my lips as he spoke to me.

"I had fun too."

"Well, I just thought we should do it again but... like, officially? On a date?"

My heart started to beat a little faster, but I was still nervous.

"I'd love to... but I just..."

"I know being gay doesn't go down so well round here but we can keep it quiet, take things slow. I'd really like for you to be my boyfriend. Really."

The smile that was playing on my lips quickly turned to a full on grin. I looked round the brought my lips to his cheek and left a quick kiss there.

"Well that sounds like fun." I said, just before he cupped my face in his hands and kissed my lips softly.


I know.

I'm sorry.

I've been so busy lately with my exchange here and everything, but she leaves on Friday 😞

But that means more chapters more often!

This was a bit of a filler, the next one should be better

Thanks for reading, I love you all

Don't forget to vote and follow 😉


Au revoir <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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