C H A P T E R 1

61 3 7

                           K E J L A

"Thank you again goodbye Mrs.kirsten ," I said as I carefully walked the three steps to exit the bus. Public transportation is the only way I get around these days due to my car needing a new engine and breaks. Another thing I need to save up slowly to achieve.

"no problem Kejla, have a good day at work baby girl see you tomorrow " she yelled out as she closed the doors and pulled off.

I resecured my scarf around my neck and stuffed my hands into my coat, its cold as hell out here is that its the middle of winter. Humming lowly to myself I was slowly approaching my destination, university medical center New Orleans. Finally reaching the doors I walked in greeting the people I happen to see every day, whether they were going to see their loved ones or them being in there themselves. I've been working here for a little over a year now as a nurse and I love it here.

Pressing the 'up' button on the elevator I waited a few seconds before doors finally opened up, seeing as though there were no one in there I got on and pressed number 1 to go get my information on my new patient that I was informed I was getting today.
Breathing heavy I was nervous, as I always am when getting a new patient with a new set of problems and a new personality I have to get accustomed to. To me being a nurse is not about just taking care of a person but actually knowing the person your taking care of. I like to get to know my patients so it makes their experience a little more bearable ya' know?

Knocking me out my thoughts the elevator doors opened and I exited it going directly up to the front desk to collect my folder of information I needed.

"Hey, there is. Kejla, aren't you looking as beautiful as ever" ms. P smiled at me. She was one of my favorite people here at the hospital, kind to me since I walked in here on my first day.

" hello ms.p its nice to see you today" I smiled back " I'm here to receive my folder for my new patient," I asked, without hesitation, she looked beside her handing me the pretty sturdy folder of information

" whoa this is pretty heavy " I joked, feeling weighed down by the folder, she laughed along with me and we chopped it up for about five more minutes before I started my journey to the floor my patient was on. Seeing that they were on the 5th floor I made my journey there.

Stepping off the elevator once again I made my way to the nurse's desk to claim my desk for the time being. Being an individualized nurse had its pros or cons, I focused on one individual at a time and they were my main priority but that also meant that the patients I did receive were most likely the hard to deal with patients.

After claiming my desk I took no time talking to the nurses but spent time getting to know more about my patient through their folder, I had specifically came to work an hour early so I could be about to do that.

As I was reading his records I began to write down things about him to keep in mind and remember such as his medicines and things like that. I specifically didn't get his name or age or anything of that sort because I wanted to formally introduce myself to him and him to do so as well.

I started to grow more nervous as I conversed with the nurses and they voiced on how difficult the patient was and he was overly difficult and disrespectful.

Finally becoming my time to introduce myself to him as his new nurse I walked to room 523 and knocked twice on the door.

" hello" I semi-yelled from the outside of the door before I slowly made my way in.

"What the fuck do ya muthafuckas want now?" The voice growled at me

Deciding to ignore the disrespectful words that came out his mouth I smiled and made my way to his bedside.

" Hello my name is kejla Burrell and I will be your new nurse for the duration of the time you are in the hospital " I smiled

He ignored me looking up at me once then back to his phone. I stood standing there for a few minutes waiting to see if he would say something back like 'hello' or 'okay'. Seeing as though he wasn't gonna talk I spoke up again.

" Okay, sir so what's your name?" I asked gazing down at him, after I said that I saw him look up at me, looking at me up and down like I stole his money or something.

"Listen, lady, I don't wanna fuckin talk to you or make conversation," he said "I just want you to take care of me and do ya job so I can get the fuck out of here as soon as I can" he finished

" well I need your name to do my job sir"

" ya should already know my fucking name in the system lady, I'm not stupid"

" well, I like to wait to learn a patients name from them while formally introducing myself to them" I came off a little more aggressive than I would've liked but he was becoming more and more disrespectful by the minute.

" well go figure it the fuck out" he disrespectfully said

Nodding my head deciding not to make him angrier than he obviously already was i said a simple 'okay'  and quickly turned on my heels heading out the door, knowing myself I have a slick ass mouth when pushed over the limit and I see that he has one as well, shaking my head making my way back over to my desk to open the folder and find out the information I was hoping to get out of him I silently thought to myself.

This is gonna be a long ass hospital stay for the both of us.

How y'all like the first chapter? I'm new to this and haven't written or even attempted in a year, shit just been happening and this is a way for me to take my mind off it

There are many mistakes in here probably so excuse them for me I didn't edit

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