Chapter 10: Regret

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Okay maybe separating was a bad idea, but what the hell would that red-haired ass do for him? He'd just stick around, complaining majority of the time, and just keep talking and talking nonstop. Not to mention, Mihawk always found that idiot hitting on every person that he saw in the bar just so that he could get a free drink off of them. Just having him by his side made him embarrassed. Maybe it would be for the best to just travel separately.

On the other hand... He wouldn't have to worry about becoming mad from his curse. He wouldn't have to worry about going up against someone who had a major advantage against him. Deep inside him, Mihawk knew that he made a mistake in leaving Shanks. Yes, he didn't show it much, but he liked the company Shanks provided. And even if Shanks never did his job properly, he still came back and offered a hand anyways.

Mihawk sat down on one of the barrels of alcohol lying around on his ship, unable to decided whether he should turn back and go talk things out with Shanks, or to just leave the port. He kept telling himself that he didn't need that man to survive. He just needed to be stronger to control himself. But he knew that his heart couldn't tell lies. Just as much as he hated to admit it, he needed him. And it wasn't just the blood that he needed- he needed the partnership that he had built up with him.

He sighed, jumping down from the barrel and walking over back to the island. Reputation? Honor? That didn't matter when it came down to Shanks. Yes, he was an idiot who glared at him for no reason from time to time (who wouldn't see that when he made it so noticeable), and didn't do his job properly, but there were times he has saved his stupid vampire ass from dying from lack of blood. He made up his mind- he was going to get his partner back.

He didn't get too far into the island when he was stopped by approaching Marines. He didn't want to make too big of a problem now, so he turned to a more civil way of dealing with people. 

"What can I do for you?"

"Dracule Mihawk. You are under arrest for suspicion of Vampiric activities. We are ordered to kill you if you show any signs of resistance."

Suspicion  of Vampiric activities? Shit, was he found out? There was no way anyone could have seen his hidden side, especially when anyone that saw him was immediately killed. He had to think of a way to get out. Kill them on the spot? There were only 10, as far as he could count, and killing these weaklings would only be a matter of a second.

 But something stopped him from doing so, and it made him panic.

Fuck- something wasn't right. Normally since it was night time, he would feel his Vampire side throbbing from within with power. But now, there wasn't any sign of it. In addition to that, he felt weak, as if he was lacking blood. Looking around, he found what was wrong.

The Marines were holding Red Lillies, the metal that worked against Vampires. Even from their distance, he could feel the affect of the metal working against his body. Shit, they really thought of everything. What now? He couldn't fight- no that would be suicidal. If they found out that he was a vampire, a superior one at that, he would be killed right on the spot. 

Just when he thought that his life was ending, he saw a ray of hope in the distance. Even from far away, anyone could tell who the red-haired idiot with the straw hat was.


Hahaha so uh.... I'm sorry... I got no reason as to why I couldn't upload any chapters other than the fact that I lost interest for a while. .. And for a while, I mean a crapppp ton while. Listen. I love my dads, but damn I gotta admit Overwatch is really taking me down under. So why did I suddenly decide to update? Well you see, I was explaining why I loved McHanzo to my friend, and I realized how much AkaTaka had in common with McHanzo- You know... Shanks is really outgoing and lovable (and missing an arm lmaoooo) just like McCree, while Mihawk is very classy and reserved (and the older one of the relationship) just like Hanzo... and explaining to them about AkaTaka brought back my interest lmao... Does that mean I will be updating the fic more frequently? Perhaps, perhaps not. You see I'm still fairly busy, but hey since it's caught my attention again, I might update it rather than just leaving it in the corner to collect dust. Your comments are the reason why I'm still motivated to write so thank you for all the messages that you've written (I love reading them <3)! You can also chat with me by messaging me (but I probably won't see it until the weekends). Thanks for keeping up and see you on the other side :')

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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