Conncted to... What

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"Huh?" I heard the surprise in the succubs's voice. I opened my eyes and looked at my for arms . They were covered in blood red scales .
" No... It cant be ! The Blood Prince !?!"
I didn't take the time to listen . Right now I needed something ... Something to drink . And I could feel her blood pulsing as the scent  of her fear filled the air . A grin appeared on my face and it felt ..... Wrong somehow . I could see the fear in this succubi's eyes as I grabbed her wrists and yanked them apart , pulling her body against mine . I snarled and buried my teeth in her neck , drinking deeply . Her screams became moans , moans of some kind of pleasure . As my bloodlust subsided , I released her arms and fell back . My canines began to grow longer , and it felt like something sprouted from my back . I turned and saw wings , wings covered in scales so red they looked mike miniature droplets of blood . Passed them, I saw Nicole. Her eyes were filled with fear , and then I looked to the succubus . She lay on the ground, and there were four puncture scars that had not bean there before . I looked in the mirror , and I saw why Nicole was afraid . Blood coated my mouth , and my eyes were yellow, looking more like a reptiles than a humans . Blood red scales covered my neck , reaching to just below my jaw.
'No..... What am I becoming ?' I thought , and shook my head as though to clear it. Looking between the three pictures before me, I felt the wings fold up again, and the scales slowly faded , my canines went back to normal. I collapsed to my knees , breathing hard . Looking at my hands , I saw that my fingers were clawed , but as with my neck the scales began to dissapear, and the claws went with them . The last thing I heard was Nicole shout " Lord!" As I collapsed .

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