Skip Breakfast-Chapter three

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Fragment chp 3

Skip Breakfast

Chapter three

Yuki sat in the middle of living room an angry Haruko looming above her. He stood with his arms crossed glaring down at the small girl.

"Where were you?" He grated, aggravated at how much she keeps disappearing.

"In the woods." She answered vaguely.


"To find Iruka."

"Why?" Haruko began to get more aggravated with Yuki who unknowingly evaded his question.

"To find Naruto ."

"Why?" A vein began to throb on his forehead.

"Because of Mizuki."

A big angry tick mark appeared on his forehead. He rubbed his temples trying to keep whatever shred of patience he had left.

"I got a headband." Yuki pulled out the head protector from under the brown sash she had around her small waist.

"That's great!" Haruko grinned and ruffled her hair. Over the very short time he'd been assigned to watch over her he felt the little kid had grown on him. Her passive expression, her passive attitude, even her naive and innocent personality.

Yuki remained still as Haruko ruffled her white hair. Again the feeling from before blossomed in her chest. She found herself questioning whether she was broken or not.

"Well you best go to sleep, kid." Haruko pointed to the stairs with his thumb.

Yuki nodded and slowly walked up the stairs, her pace unhurried. Haruko watched her as she disappeared. He noticed something flash in her eyes, a hint of emotion had shown itself in her eyes for the first time since he'd met her.

'Why did she come here anyway?' He pondered. 'Whatever..' He shook off the question. 'Whatever reason... Maybe coming here was good for her.' He gazed at the stairs that Yuki had taken earlier.

* * *

The next morning Yuki arrived to school a little late. She opened the door to see it filled with the same students from before. Everyone inside wore their headbands, Yuki had decided to put it over the sash around her waist with Haruko's help.

Yuki scanned through the students ignoring the curious stares of others. Spotting Naruto, Yuki walked over and sat beside him. Naruto hadn't noticed her since he was too busy glaring at a raven haired boy who sat beside a girl with pink hair who kept smiling at the raven haired boy next to her.

Naruto got up and crouched down on the table to glare at the raven haired boy. Their faces close together.

"Naruto! Leave Sasuke-kun alone!" The pink haired girl with a large forehead shouted angrily.

"Move it!" Naruto growled at the boy.

"Kick his ass, Sasuke-kun!" Girls cheered waiting for a fight.

They were at a stalemate glaring at each other.

"Really? No way!" A guy behind Naruto accidentally elbowed him, "Oops, sorry about that!" He quickly turned around apologizing to Naruto.

As soon as he elbowed Naruto, he was sent forward, his mouth made contact with the so called Sasuke. They both recoiled away turning pale, disgust written on both their faces. Naruto clutched his throat while dry heaving, others in the class laughing at what just happened.

"Naruto you moron! I'm gonna kill you!!" Sasuke shouted ready to puke.

"Yuck! My mouth is rotting!" Naruto started spitting, hunched over on the side of the desk.

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