Headband-Chapter two

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Fragment chp 2


Chapter two

Yuki had left the house earlier after doing a little training with Haruko over the transformation jutsu and cloning jutsu.

"Ah, Yuki-san! Good to see you." Iruka saw Yuki who stood in front of the school building. "Why don't you follow me."

Yuki silently followed Iruka who stopped in front of a classroom door.

"Just wait out here while I introduce you." Iruka smiled before walking inside and kept the door open so she could hear when she could come in.

"Okay everyone. I know it's late in the year but we have a new student with us today. Come on in." Iruka motioned for Yuki to enter.

As Yuki stepped inside the classroom all eyes were on her. Both guys and girls stared at her in awe as the small girl walked in, her ringlet braids floated behind her.

"Why don't you introduce yourself." Iruka suggested.

Yuki stood still in front of everyone making people wonder if she was just a large doll that was set in front of the classroom.

"My name is Yuki.. Yuki Shimo." She bowed.

"She's so graceful! Like a princess!!" A girl squealed to her friend beside her.

"She looks like a little doll!" Another whispered loudly.

"She's cute." Some guy with a dog on his head said with a rueful smirk on his face.

"Take a seat anywhere you like." Iruka motioned with a tilt of his chin to the different seats.

Ignoring all the kids who ushered her to sit next to them Yuki spotted Naruto who had his head propped up with his hand and stared out the window. Quietly she walked over to where he was and sat down next to him.

Naruto felt himself blush seeing the small cute girl that had stood in front of everyone. She looked so tiny and delicate.

"Take a seat anywhere you like." Iruka-sensei had told the girl.

He stared out the window his head propped up with his hand. He wasn't interested in the girl anymore.

'There's no way someone as cute as her would even want to be friend with an outcast like me.' He grumbled to himself.

The sound of someone taking a seat next to him made Naruto look over and to his surprise he saw the girl with snow white hair and aqua blue eyes had sat down right next to him. Her eyes stared at him with deep intensity.

"M-my name is Naruto Uzamaki!" Naruto tried to introduce himself but stuttered, surprised that she'd chosen to even sit by him.

"I know." She replied with her soft musical voice.

"Y-you do?" Naruto scratched his head confused.

Yuki nodded softly, "I was born to meet you." Her eyes continued to stare right at him even after saying something so embarrassing.

Naruto felt his head explode as the straightforward girl. His cheeks flamed red with embarrassment.

"Eeehhh?!" Everyone exclaimed finding Yuki's attitude toward Naruto strange.

"Look at Naruto! He's got himself a girlfriend~." A guy from behind said with a smirk. He had two red curve red marks on both cheeks leaned forward with a sly smirk on his face.

"S-shut up Kiba!" Naruto growled.

"Now everyone settle down." Iruka-sensei coughed his cheeks tinted pink with having seen the young scene of love Yuki had unknowingly created, "We will begin the examination. You must create two clones." Iruka-sensei clapped his hands together. "Now line up everyone and come to the next room when we call you."

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