Zabuza and the Message-Chapter five

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Fragment chp 5


Zabuza and the Message


The next few days were full of demeaning tasks of baby sitting, weed pulling, and a scouring the village for lost pets. Today Kakashi had gathered his team at the Hokage's office to receive a new mission.

"Let's see." The Hokage rummaged through his large stack of documents, "Here's a good D ranked mission."

"No!" Naruto protested, "I don't want to go on another stupid babysitting mission! I want a REAL mission! I don't want to do a kids mission. I'm not the little kid I used to be!"

"Naruto! Show some respect to Hokage-sama!" Iruka who sat in a desk next to the Hokage, a large vein throbbing on his forehead.

"Now Iruka-san. If Naruto feels like he's ready for a bigger mission lets give him one." The Hokage interjected.

"But Hokage-"

"How about a C ranked mission. You'll escort someone to the wave village." The Hokage cut Iruka off nodding to one of the guards.

"Wow! Really!?" Naruto exclaimed in excitement, "Who us it?! A feudal lord? A princess??!"

The Hokage and Kakashi gave him a somewhat nervous smile, their eyes glancing at a neutral face Yuki. She was after all considered a princess.

"Why don't you turn around to see?" He gave Naruto a smile.

Behind under the now open door stood a taller old man, with grey hair and a beard, the grey contrasting against his tanned skin. He wore a kimono top, wrapped with a white obi, his beer gut prominent beneath it. He held a sake bottle loosely in his grip, his other hand pushing up his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose.

"What's this? A bunch of brats?" He took a long swig of his sake bottle, "Especially the shortest one with the stupid face. Are you really a ninja?" He grunted with his alcoholic breath.

"Hahaha" Naruto laughed looking between himself and his other teammates, "Who's the shortest one with the stupid face?"

Comparing their height Naruto saw Yuki was the shortest out of the four of them.

"Hey you old drunk! How dare you say that about Yuki-chan!" Naruto shouted, ready to pick a fight with the man they're suppose to protect.

"Calm down Naruto." Kakashi grasped him by the back of his collar, preventing him from attacking. "We're suppose to be protecting him."

"I was talking about you, ya runt." The old man grunted.

"What!?!" Naruto shouted in anger, his struggles against Kakashi more rabid.

"I am the expert bridge builder Tazuna. " he gruffly introduced himself, completely ignoring Naruto, "I expect you to provide me super protection until I get back to my country and complete the bridge."

* * *

They were walking through the forest heading in the direction of the mist village. Yuki walked closer to Sakura who walked behind Sasuke, little hearts in her eyes. Not looking at Sakura Yuki glanced at Naruto.

'The desire to protect. Not because someone told you to..' She pondered what you would need to protect someone then.

The silver chain around her neck hidden under her mint blue fighting kimono became heavier. Gingerly she pulled it out to examine it, her aqua blue eyes focusing intently on the sun pendent that hung from the chain, as if the symbol of her village would tell her the answer, clear her mind of any and all hindering thoughts and these.. These.. Strange sensations.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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