Chapter three; "Studying"

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*Laurens POV*

I lay in my room in my families and I's apartment, scrolling through my phone. I look at the time.

10:00 PM. Great. Hamilton still hasn't shown up to study. Right then, as if on queue, there's a tapping on the window from no other than Hamilton himself. I open up the window and he immediately hands me two cups of coffee and throws his bag onto the floor underneath the window.

"Thank God for that fire escape otherwise I would be late." He says letting out a puff of air.

"Hamilton" I say

"Yeah Laurens"

"You do realise that there's a thing called the front door right?"

"Yeah but it was faster that way" he says pointing to the window.

"Whatever you say. Why did you get here so late?"

"I got into a debate with Washington"

"Until ten at night?"

"Yeah sorry I'm late but we can still study right?" he asks flashing apologetic grin.

"Yes we can Hamilton" I sigh and hand him back a coffee.

Two hours later he is still here and we're nowhere near finishing. I keep on dozing off every twenty minutes and Hamilton will start a different conversation every time he's bored, which is at all times. I wake up again and I'm not on the floor, I'm in my bed. I sit up and see Hamilton typing on his laptop.

"Yo Ham." I say. Not even stopping from what he's doing he lets out a grunt. "How'd I get up here?"

"I put you there, you seemed tired." He says, he finally stops typing and starts wiping the dust off his keyboard. I scootch over and pat the spot next to me.

"Come on you need some sleep."

"But we're not done studying" He says going back to his laptop.

"We'll be fine, you're smart and I actually pay attention in class, you need sleep" He stops typing and sighs, pushing down the screen of his laptop. He gets up and crawls under the covers. He lets out a yawn and through the dark I can see him push away his hair from his face. We lay there for a few minutes then I finally decide to say something.

"Ham you up?"

"Yeah Lo, what is it?"

I take a deep breath "I don't know if this will ruin everything or not but I thought I should tell you before I back down again."

"Just tell me Laurens." I can feel his breath on my neck.

"I have feelings for you." I finally say. All the sudden he shoots straight up, I feel his eyes on me. He's silent for a few moments. "Well are you gonna say anything or not?" I asks instantly feeling regret. His weight shifts and he's hovering over me. "Hamil-" I'm cut off by his lips pressing against mine, butterflies explode in my stomach, I needed his kiss desperately. My hands go to his hair, I pull him closer and he puts one hand on my cheek and the other next to my head for support. His lips are soft and warm but also chapped. I swipe my tongue across Hamilton's lower lip to gain entrance and he accepts. He tastes of coffee, though that's not so surprising considering the amount of coffee he drinks. Hamilton pulls away and puts his forehead on mine. I groan from lack of touch.

"I've been wanting to hear you say those words since the day I met you." He pushes his lips against mine again. I can't believe this is happening.

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